I've already told you- I'm getting ready to open up an etsy shop, that being said, I'm scared to death. I've not really ever worked outside our home...but the schedules I've had, in the home, have been pretty simple and in two parts.
1.) When Honey left for work.
2.) When Honey got home.
Anything else I took part in--happened between those two times of the day. (with a few exceptions)
But I can tell you-- there were some days that the last hour before he got home was a mad dash to get supper on the table, and the house picked up. These were limits I put on myself...the perfectionist. I wanted him to be proud to come home and HAPPY to be there. Until I turned it around about making him happy and pleasing him... I stressed about how things got done and whether or not they were perfect. Once I started thinking differently-- I was able to relax.
Starting this shop...some of the same. I want to be proud of what I sell and I want the customer to be happy with their purchase.
I'm finding out it is going to be hard work. I think the hardest part is carving out time in my day 'TO WORK' and treat this little shop like a job; but at the same time relaxing and enjoying what I am doing.
When I announced this last week-- so many of you were quick to encourage and said such nice things to me. I am hoping that I can count on some of you for some sage advice and wisdom...I may be jotting some emails out with questions. I have a ton!
I noticed after I published that post-- this scripture was in the header of my blog. I'm not a superstitious type...but I don't take things lightly either. I remember thinking at the time this scripture was very appropriate for me at the moment.
I know you can't read it, so here is what it said:
You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me." But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today. ~~Deuteronomy 8:17-18
I had forgotten that everything comes from the LORD even our abilities... it is He who strengthens us and gives us the wisdom to do what we do. I needed this little reminder. Thank you, LORD.
I needed to be reminded that a little fear is a good thing,too; especially when directed in the right way. I tend to be afraid of what I CAN AND CANNOT DO. I hope that what I'm doing will be pleasing to Him and I will be diligent in the abilities and the direction He has given me.
I feel so very blessed to be able to do this. I hope I do it well. Even if I must do it afraid.
I also hope I'm able to learn some new tricks and different habits in order to make working at home beneficial for me (us).
Maybe you have some tips on creating a work schedule at home; Setting your own hours vs. burning the midnight oil, ...I'm a blank slate...now is your chance to write a page in my book... ;)
feel free to do so in the comments!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

I know what it's like to start a new business and work from my home. Our city zoning board voted unanimously to allow my husband and me to attach an apartment to our commercial venture, which is a coffee house.
Not only do we run a business from scratch (learning as we go) but we are also in the public eye and have to keep our coffee home spotless.
You have already done the first advice I can offer. That is, to trust in the Lord and give it to Him.
The second tip would be to get organized as soon as possible. Businesses have paperwork that has to be done, some having deadlines. I made the mistake of not being organized, and it is setting me back to where now it is top priority for me to have a master calendar. I also have a general ledger to record all income and expenses; a book to track inventory; and a book to keep all the phone numbers and contact information in. Though my company has an in depth paperwork mass I have to track, it's all the same regardless of the business. Keep track of schedule, income, expenses, and laws.
And the third most important thing is to write your vision down and define some goals that you'll need to achieve to help you stay on track with your vision. It's very easy to get sidetracked!
You are going to do great!!!! Good luck and have fun with it all! : )
You are going to do great and you will get the swing of it really quick, you just ask if there is anything we can help you with, and the great thing is we are available 24/7!
I am so excited for you and can't wait to check out your shop. Have you said when your "grand opening" is?
Oh Pat you're going to do great! You will find your own rhythm that works for you and your family. And you are so right! All we have and all our talents are from and for God, His Kingdom and His glory. Go and serve Him well! xoxo Caroline
Hi Pat! I'm now signed up to get your new posts in my email! Yay!
THIS POST just blew me away. DOING IT AFRAID is the definition of courage, dear friend. And then the scripture! That was no mere coincidence, but a reminder from your creator and Lord of your life that you can do this with His blessing! You will find your rhythm, you will find joy and fulfillment and a little extra cash to boot!
I have worked at home before, and am sort of doing the same thing you're doing again. Here's My 2c worth:
Create a place (a room, a closet, etc.) where you can contain everything you need to do this. Ideally, a place where you can leave the mess out, and close it away when you are speinding family time.
Figuring postage was the toughest thing for me. I would suggest photographing then packing your item and putting a sticky note on the box with a photo or description of the item. Take it to the post office and weigh it to deliver to the farthest place away from you. Weigh it, and include that in your Etsy postage, instead of just trying to guess.
Last - do as many things "assembly line" fashion as possible. Photograph as many things at one time as you can. List as many things at a time as you can. Pack several items for sale as you can. It saves time.
Thank you for that scripture. I have read it before, and forgotten where it was. I've emailed it to myself now!
Blessings in your new endeavor,
Thanks for this verse... I think I experienced it yesterday! I was able to bake granola, make yogurt, create a decent dinner, and bake bread...all which fell together just perfectly, timewise, and without leaving out ingredients or making other mistakes! It was amazing, and my own form of wealth production. It was such a good feeling to get all that done, but I really did feel like the Lord had a big hand in making my paths straight.
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