OK, so on or about 7th August 20.13 I wrote about my blog being scraped.
I received lots of comments from many of you who have had this happen or have known someone that has had it happen to them. I also received lots of emails with helpful links to figure this out.
I believe Kathy from Moving on to the Past sent me the MOST helpful links. She was on this situation--eager to help me. Thanks Kathy!
Many of you have asked about watermarking, adding jump breaks, etc. and Kirstin at Craftiments has already written a great post about doing all these things to discourage theft of your blog. It is so thorough there is no need for me to write about it here.
You can read her post here @ How to Discourage Feed Scraping in Blogger
I also found, in my research, a link to REMOVING CONTENT FROM GOOGLE and how to report stolen content to Google and get it removed; (good article) and also how to fill out a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) form. It only took them 20 days to get back to me.
But...at least they got back to me. I am just one small pup on the W.W.W.-- I'm not going to whimper about how slow I think they are to respond.
Below is a copy of the email to me...
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
The Google Team
I have more work to do apparently.
So if you're just catching up with me about Content Scraping- you can read my other posts here.
If you have anything you'd like to share about Content Scraping-- Blog theft...etc. Feel free to leave a comment and we can discuss it there.
Thank you to all my readers, you've been patient and so helpful through this!

He is the rock, his work is perfect. For all his ways are judgement. A God of truth and without iniquity upright and just is he. ~Deuteronomy 32:4

I am so sorry that you have had to deal with this mess. It makes you want to just back away from blogging altogether sometimes, doesn't it? Well, I hope it gets taken care of- xo Diana
Continued luck. I only know what I've read here about scraping. Hey, I like how you posted the picture of your dogs!
I didn't even know what the term scraped meant.
I am off to read your original post.
White Spray Paint
all great information to know! pinning this to my blog tips board.
I hope you follow through with it all. this needs to STOP!
all great information to know! pinning this to my blog tips board.
I hope you follow through with it all. this needs to STOP!
I've been catching up with all of this and have pinned the info, too...thanks for sharing, Pat, and hope you get it straightened out soon!
I bet you wish all this would end soon and you could get settled to the normal, peaceful life again. So many details to get things like this straightened out and seem no one is in any hurry to help you. Good luck with The Google Team.
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures
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