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A dark photo—but notice the front of the fridge- smudges and scratches all over.
I was working in the kitchen this weekend--
and one of the things I worked on was my stainless steel—like so many now days, I do have some stainless in my kitchen.
I fought hard to get it. At one time I had wanted Stainless Steel counter tops… but was told No, on account of the maintenance and care.
Maintenance and Care? Yep.
I am married to a “Sheet Metal Man”.
Before T.H. retired—he worked…well pretty much all his working life in the sheet metal industry.
At one time he worked for the company that builds and supplies McDonald’s Kitchens all over the world. When you walk into McD’s (and other restaurants) and see all the shiny sheet metal counters and cabinetry, vent hoods, ranges …the works; they supplied them. He had worked for the leading company in supplying these items.
Those days are long gone now…but not his savvy or knack for making it shine. I personally …love it! I have a stainless fridge, coffee-pot, vent-a-hood and 1 small counter (near the stove). I’d have stainless steel counters if he’d let me.
Anyway—back to cleaning—here is what I’ve learned from the “Sheet Metal Man”
Getting the smudges, water marks and scratches OUT!
SUBJECT: The front of my Fridge.
WHO? : Instructor (a.k.a. :The Sheet Metal Man)
FACT: Stainless Steel has a ‘grain’ to it, just like wood. So you always go with the grain, otherwise, you get scratches.
- Scotch Brite™ hand pads
- All Purpose Cleaner ( I used Mrs. Meyer’s APC – in Lavender)
- Baby Oil (generic is fine)
- Paper Towels
- Elbow Grease (Man power)
First, use the course Scotch Brite ™ (gray) then use the finer piece (maroon) If you have the green scotch brite™ pad…it will work, but you will need lots of elbow grease depending on the severity of the scratches in the surface.
Now my turn--
The LOWER Door of my fridge (which by the way—it is hard to photograph your stainless steel fridge, Who knew?!)
I followed the same technique as T.H. - ehem… “The Sheet Metal Man”; and once I was through with that, I used a paper towel and wiped in the same vertical motion with a couple of drops of baby oil and rubbed it all down.
Bright and Shiny.
I also used the baby oil to wipe down the coffee pot. It helps to keep it streak and smudge free for a while. :)
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Stainless... Like it, love it...can live without it? Me, well, You know what they say-- sometimes it's better to listen to those who KNOW. Looking back, I think I'd prefer a plain ol' white refrigerator now. Oh well, live and learn! There is a lesson here for me in this stainless steel maintenance--- I just know it. :)
Til next time, Be Blessed!

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy Godis with thee whithersoever thou goest.~ Joshua 1:9
Oh Pat, I so agree..... I got staiinless for my kitchen remodel and I hate it.. I wish I would have stayed with my white appliances.. it is a booger to keep looking clean... My OCD personality just does not do well with I am definitely going to try the oil... sounds easy enough and looked great.. Thanks for posting that info. Have a great week. Blessings!
Good to know! Stainless is a pain to maintain - I can't imagine a stainless countertop!
Who knew? Great idea. Thanks for the info. I do not like the upkeep on stainless steel. I think the next house will NOT have stainless in it! xo Diana
Thanks for the tips. We have a stainless steel dishwasher, refrigerator, stove and stove vent (can't for the life of me think of the right name for it). I will use your tips on cleaning them.
Good info! No stainless here. I wanted a stainless stove when ours went out about 11 years ago. Believe it or not the appliance salesman actually told me they are hard to maintain and talked me out of it.
I've been dreading the day that I need to buy a new fridge, because all the styles I like come in stainless! (This post is now pinned for when that day comes.) Yours is beautiful in all it's gleaming glory. Looks like Sheet Metal Man has a new job in your kitchen. ~ loving the journey I am on with you.
great tips! I don't own a single stainless steel appliance... :)
If I can get new appliances, I want white ones.
I love magic erasers, and they scratch stainless, or so I hear. Maybe they could be used to scratch with the grain like the scotch brite pads...
Great tip Pat. I don't have stainless, but my daughter does. I will pass this on to her.
Audrey Z.
Well.....I just don't like stainless because I feel it takes work! But I do have a stainless sink---which basically stays clean since I do my dishes by hand. I didn't think I would like it/ I had moved from our old house which had porcelain. However the stainless sink is actually care free--I rarely have to clean it. My toaster is stainless--just happened to be the one on hand to buy when we were looking for a toaster. It cleans up well with glass cleaner (is that a no-no?), however the very top where it is between the toaster slots has raised writing and there are a few brown spots--suppose I could try your technique--not sure how well it would work because of the raised stainless writing. My teapot and old style coffee perk maker are stainless.--They seem to clean up well with dishwater. .
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