I’m not asking for a lot.
I’m not asking for ICE, even.
Just a soft gentle unobtrusive layering of snow.
That’s all.
Back in December—All of the North Texas and North Dallas areas particularly had a terrible ice storm. People are still recovering from that.
I know I tread on pretty thin ice here, when I say I’d like some snow.
But, here is the deal. It’s COLD ENOUGH. Why not snow?
We’ve had our fair share of really cold temperatures for our region. But no snow.
It has been so cold—that after 12 years of sleeping with the bedroom window open in the winter time; the window has been SHUT TIGHT much of the winter.
So—I’m thinking a little bit of snow would be nice. Plus, if we can get some snow on the ground and have it stick for a little while, then maybe…it will get rid of the grasshoppers before Spring! :)
In the mean time—we’ve been staying indoors, except to let the chickens out of sunny days and to bring firewood inside. Not a lot going on outdoors.
On the 25th of January—I know we had a warm day that day. My grandsons 6th birthday, celebrated with a party most of which took place outside in the yard. That was fun. We have warm and cold days. Just back and forth…like winter can’t decide if it wants to commit here or not. I think that is part of the reason the grandkids have gotten sick this past week. I’ve spent the weekend fight it off—even today, I’m not 100 % … :/
While I’m not tending to the grandkids, cooking or organizing; I’ve been practicing the knitting skills.
I’ve moved past ‘coffee mug KOOZIE” and onto wash cloth making. I have a set of 4 different wash cloths.
I say set because they are all consistently DIFFERENT!

There is the ‘almost perfect’ first attempt (center bottom). The wash cloth that tricked me into believing I could ‘DO THIS’!
Then, there are a few of the ‘there –BE -MOTHS’ version and the ‘crooked edge’ version of wash cloths. I have no idea what to do when you drop a stitch. Just keep on knitting, I guess? I’ve not ripped any of these out. As they are only practice. The one on the hook is no longer on the hook. It has a little ‘growth’ on the side. It comes in handy on the shower caddy …for hanging.
Funny—my wash cloths remind of my first few batches of tortillas. I like to call those the “let’s –name- that- state- flat -bread” .
Might as well have fun with it while I’m waiting on the snow …
or the Spring. Whichever God decides to give me first.
Til next time, Be Blessed!

I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live; but Christ who lives inside of me. The life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved me and delivered himself up for me.
~Galatians 2:20
I’m not asking for ICE, even.
Just a soft gentle unobtrusive layering of snow.
That’s all.
Back in December—All of the North Texas and North Dallas areas particularly had a terrible ice storm. People are still recovering from that.
I know I tread on pretty thin ice here, when I say I’d like some snow.
But, here is the deal. It’s COLD ENOUGH. Why not snow?
We’ve had our fair share of really cold temperatures for our region. But no snow.
It has been so cold—that after 12 years of sleeping with the bedroom window open in the winter time; the window has been SHUT TIGHT much of the winter.
So—I’m thinking a little bit of snow would be nice. Plus, if we can get some snow on the ground and have it stick for a little while, then maybe…it will get rid of the grasshoppers before Spring! :)
In the mean time—we’ve been staying indoors, except to let the chickens out of sunny days and to bring firewood inside. Not a lot going on outdoors.
On the 25th of January—I know we had a warm day that day. My grandsons 6th birthday, celebrated with a party most of which took place outside in the yard. That was fun. We have warm and cold days. Just back and forth…like winter can’t decide if it wants to commit here or not. I think that is part of the reason the grandkids have gotten sick this past week. I’ve spent the weekend fight it off—even today, I’m not 100 % … :/
While I’m not tending to the grandkids, cooking or organizing; I’ve been practicing the knitting skills.
I’ve moved past ‘coffee mug KOOZIE” and onto wash cloth making. I have a set of 4 different wash cloths.
I say set because they are all consistently DIFFERENT!
There is the ‘almost perfect’ first attempt (center bottom). The wash cloth that tricked me into believing I could ‘DO THIS’!
Then, there are a few of the ‘there –BE -MOTHS’ version and the ‘crooked edge’ version of wash cloths. I have no idea what to do when you drop a stitch. Just keep on knitting, I guess? I’ve not ripped any of these out. As they are only practice. The one on the hook is no longer on the hook. It has a little ‘growth’ on the side. It comes in handy on the shower caddy …for hanging.
Funny—my wash cloths remind of my first few batches of tortillas. I like to call those the “let’s –name- that- state- flat -bread” .
Might as well have fun with it while I’m waiting on the snow …
or the Spring. Whichever God decides to give me first.
Til next time, Be Blessed!

I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live; but Christ who lives inside of me. The life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved me and delivered himself up for me.
~Galatians 2:20
Your attempt in knitting has come out very well. You must have had a very good time with your grandson on his birthday.
People living in region where there is snow they don't like snow but people live without snow likes snow to play in it. Life itself vise versa only.
Keep practicing! My knitting looks like this too. I'll have to post my failed attempts at Granny Squares I have been crocheting. I have little pieces of oddly formed shapes that should be square.
If you want snow, come on up.
This morning I have glop. That is my term for the ice covering the snow...it's a smooth mess :)
but yes, if you have had cold, then it is only fair that you should have some snow to go with! :) Enjoy the knitting and stay warm : )
Funny, I too usually sleep with the window cracked at night and have not done that for ages now this winter! :)
As much as I hate to admit it, when it is already cold, there might as well be some snow. Just not the ice. Please no ice. Cause now, if they close the office, we can all work from home so it doesn't make any difference - I don't get to take off.
we've got snow right now in Oklahoma, just drive north and come see us :)
but it is cold here, I think it is 10 degrees and not going to get much warmer until the first of next week
You want snow? I can send you truck loads! The knitting is coming along!
I hear you! It's been ages since we had a decent snow...enough of the ice thing already. I want snow ( for a couple of days! ) then bring on Spring!
I don't think I could knit...I tried crochet once - kind of fun but irritating when you mess up. I like your wash clothes! Keep on practicing!
If I could send you snow, Lord knows I would!!! I love the idea of name that state tortillas, funny.
Be careful what you wish for ; )
We have about 10 inches of snow on the ground and yesterday, a big UPS truck got stuck between the house and the barn, when he tried to turn around. My son tried to dig him out, but that didn't work. My husband got a tow line and used his heavy duty four wheel drive truck to pull the UPS truck around so he was heading downhill. The grateful driver was finally able to leave.
Actually, I love snow, in moderation, but it can cause lots of problems. Main streets are fine, but anything else is a mess.
I love your "name that state" tortilla title! That is the kind I make, most of the time.
I love snow!!! Whine when we go a week without it. Hope you get a dusting or two soon.
Now ice is an entirely different subject. Scary stuff.
I am so over winter! snow, ice, sleet, rain, sub-zero temps. OVER it, I tell ya. Last night I was worried I would lose power from ice on the lines. I did lose phone service today, but not sure it is weather related. They're coming tomorrow to look at it. DREAD that.
I hope you get some snow....
good luck with the knitting... have no idea about dropped stitches. ;)
ps hope you and the littles all get to feeling better soon!
Hi Pat ... I love beautiful fluffy snow, but really not wishing for it.
Will take snow instead of ice though.
You knitting looks great. I know I could not do that and would be a real waste of time to try.
Stay warm and stay healthy.
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures
Hi Pat.....I'm Shug and I'm your newest follower!! So glad I jumped over to your place.
I would love some snow here in East Texas too.... As a matter of fact, I'd love to have lots of snow!
You're right, if it's already cold....it might as well snow! In the mean time...guess I'll just have to be thankful for the sweet rain we had yesterday..
Blessings to you...
Snow? Yes, as you said we have the cold weather, why not? The problem here is that if we get anything it is usually ice. There is a bright side, dreary, cold and gray days make me dream of spring! It gives me something to look forward to! Spring will happen.
I wish I could box up some of our snow and send it your way. Our typical snow for a whole winter is 46 inches. So far this winter we're over 70 inches. With two full months of winter yet to go. Your knitting is really shaping up Pat!
The snow would be pretty!
I , frankly, will be happy when I look out my window and don't see any snow.
I hope you get some snow!
I like the "mothy" wash cloth. Are you getting some of the weather that the Southeast is experiencing? Hope not!!! Hope all is okay in TX. Ann
Just wondering how you are,
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