I took this photo the other day…The weather finally started to warm up a little bit here. The sun peaked out (it’s been overcast and dreary) and I wanted to take some pictures outside. I didn’t have much luck with it…still trying to figure out what is wrong with my camera.
I replaced the batteries with new rechargeable batteries—I told you before my old ones are going on 4 years old.
However they still work!
Anyway—my pictures are still somewhat grainy. I think I just need to break down and find a camera shop and see if they can clean the inside parts.
I took several pictures this one was the best. I was standing near the wood burning stove in the living room and the door was open and the light on so I figured I’d take this opportunity to catch up with all of you and let you know a little bit of what is going on here with us!
Most of you know that I babysit my grandchildren during the week; while my grown kids go off to make a buck—they bring The Littles here to be with us during the day…
Well—they’ve all been sick! Bronchitis and virus infection. No flu---thank goodness. But even “V” the four month old has been sick. This doesn’t happen with us very often. The generally stay well except occasional allergies—which YES, can make a child or adult feel just as crummy. But not the whole shebang.
No appetites , not drinking enough—making sure the worst ones get their breathing treatments.
I’ve felt like I was running an outpatient clinic instead of an in home day care! I don’t mean to sound like I’m complaining. I have just been
Fortunately, I DID NOT get sick. Just tired. :/
I did start to feel a little bit of a sinus congestion—but nipped it in the bud the first day or so at the onset; with ACV and Baking Soda AND a couple of doses over 48 hrs of GARLIC AND HONEY mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice. These are My “GO TO” remedies WHENEVER I feel something coming on and I want to fight it. (I'm not a doctor keep in mind results may vary :) )
I do wish I could get TH to drink this or take the garlic and honey…but he won’t. Well, now he is sick and not sleeping well at night…coughing his head off—we’re getting very little sleep. :/
The bedroom up top?
Our son is living here temporarily -- So he is occupying this room and his Littles, when they come to visit. I won’t delve into that here but prayers for our family would be much appreciated if you think of us.
I have plenty to write about; but just haven’t had the time
Thank you for those inquiries as to how we are doing. I appreciate each and everyone of you.
Til next time, Be Blessed!

* by clicking on affiliate links (and making a purchase at Amazon) in the post or any other post on this blog you help this blogger earn a little bit of income for her family WITHOUT IT COSTING YOU A PENNY!

I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live; but Christ who lives inside of me. The life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved me and delivered himself up for me.
~Galatians 2:20
I replaced the batteries with new rechargeable batteries—I told you before my old ones are going on 4 years old.
However they still work!
Anyway—my pictures are still somewhat grainy. I think I just need to break down and find a camera shop and see if they can clean the inside parts.
I took several pictures this one was the best. I was standing near the wood burning stove in the living room and the door was open and the light on so I figured I’d take this opportunity to catch up with all of you and let you know a little bit of what is going on here with us!
Most of you know that I babysit my grandchildren during the week; while my grown kids go off to make a buck—they bring The Littles here to be with us during the day…
Well—they’ve all been sick! Bronchitis and virus infection. No flu---thank goodness. But even “V” the four month old has been sick. This doesn’t happen with us very often. The generally stay well except occasional allergies—which YES, can make a child or adult feel just as crummy. But not the whole shebang.
No appetites , not drinking enough—making sure the worst ones get their breathing treatments.
I’ve felt like I was running an outpatient clinic instead of an in home day care! I don’t mean to sound like I’m complaining. I have just been
Fortunately, I DID NOT get sick. Just tired. :/
I did start to feel a little bit of a sinus congestion—but nipped it in the bud the first day or so at the onset; with ACV and Baking Soda AND a couple of doses over 48 hrs of GARLIC AND HONEY mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice. These are My “GO TO” remedies WHENEVER I feel something coming on and I want to fight it. (I'm not a doctor keep in mind results may vary :) )
*Affiliate Link to follow*
I purchase it here at a local bakery in town-- but you may click on the link and purchase it through Amazon!
The bedroom up top?
Our son is living here temporarily -- So he is occupying this room and his Littles, when they come to visit. I won’t delve into that here but prayers for our family would be much appreciated if you think of us.
I have plenty to write about; but just haven’t had the time
Thank you for those inquiries as to how we are doing. I appreciate each and everyone of you.
Til next time, Be Blessed!
* by clicking on affiliate links (and making a purchase at Amazon) in the post or any other post on this blog you help this blogger earn a little bit of income for her family WITHOUT IT COSTING YOU A PENNY!

I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live; but Christ who lives inside of me. The life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved me and delivered himself up for me.
~Galatians 2:20
There is a lot of sickness around our area right now. I'm using steam inhalation treatments and they are wonderful.
We have had multiple colds this season and I blame all of them on those sweet germ spreading grands. Hope you are all feeling better soon.
I've been coming by all week and clicking on your ads a few times daily, hope it is helping. My Adsense earnings have gone up with more readers and it is really nice.
I think the crazy weather around the country is not helping keep people healthy.
I am exhausted just reading about what you have been up to. Spring and warmth are on the way and hopefully everyone will be doing great soon.
Sure hope everyone gets to feeling better real soon! I've been really lucky the last couple of years with not getting sick.
thoughts and prayers with your son and his littlles, that everything gets ironed out quickly. As always, wishing you and your family the very best Patricia! :)
I hear you, Pat. I have had my sick grandson all week. Our oldest son lived with us for almost two years (moved out in December) and it was a tough go for the whole family. Things are still not good with the ex-DIL so I know a bit of what you are going through. I think the stress of wanting to "fix things" for our kids is worse than what is actually going on sometimes.
I will keep your son/family in my prayers. I so understand!! xo Diana
Prayers for your family and YOU. Take care of yourself. I often use the quote, "You can't care of someone else's warehouse unless you own is fully stocked."
Awwww Pat, sound like you've been through the ringer lately. " Father, as you know, Pat and family are facing some challenges. I trust that you have a plan of blessing in mind for them. Please help them to see your leading as they walk through these storms. Continue to bring healing and wisdom and comfort in your love. We know, Father that dark times are a part of life, a reason to lean on you, a way for us to not get too comfortable in our Earth suits. But we get so weary. Please give Pat and family some rest."
Bless your heart.....I can so relate to this kind of day. We have 6 grands, ranging in ages of 17 down to 6.....Each of them had the awesome opportunity to stay home with Shug while their parents worked. I loved every minute of this time....BUT, sometimes it can be overwhelming. I'm with TH.....no garlic in anything for me!! Hopefully everyone will be well soon and you can get yourself some much needed rest. Prayers for your family...
Sending prayers for your situation to improve quickly. Stay well amid all the winter germ too.
You have a big heart caring for so many. I also watch my grandchildren. I love it but it can wear you down. Stay well. Praying for son and for the sick little.
Praying...it is a bad year for the flu. Hang in there.
Hi Pat ... so sorry to hear that the Littles are sick and the sadness in your family. You will be in my prayers tonight. Take care of yourself. Home remedies are always the best.
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures
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