Hi Y’all I’ve been on VACATION!
(cute shoes my daughter got me)
no not really…NOT A REAL VACATION. But we did NOT have our Littles (ie: the grandkids) this week and there has been one project I’ve been wanting to get done around here for a while! I knew I could not do it with them here.
Our Kitchen floor.
This is what happens when the LITTLES are here AND I TRY AND DO ANYTHING. They want to help! Last Year, when I was trying to decide what to do with our floor in 2013 and when HAIDEN HAPPENED…
Paint was put on the maybe list. ONE-THIRD of my kitchen is as far as I got with that, THANK YOU HAIDEN. It didn’t hold up—it didn’t last… and it NEVER SEEMED CLEAN TO ME! The other TWO-THIRDS was the same way… never seemed clean.
If you’ve read here for any length of time you know about my bathroom floor. I covered it in PAPER AND POLYURETHANE almost 3 years ago—come February. I’m happy to say—it has held up so nicely. It has taken a lot of traffic and a lot of POOL TRAFFIC in the summer. Still … it holds. HERE and HERE
That was the deciding factor. The durability.
So that’s what I’ve been doing this week. I said it would take 5 days… and thought really…REALLY, it could and I MUST get it done in 3. It took FIVE! Over-all I’m pretty pleased with it. It was hard work. I wasn’t expecting the cold to come on as fast and cold as it did…and seemingly to LAST! We pretty much camped out in the back part of the house for 2 of the 5 days… but it was fun! In a weird—QUIRKY sort of way. ;)
So, there’s no TOP 10 posts for the year… No RE-CAP… none of that. I’ve exhausted myself and am going to have a rest. (soon, I’ll be having to paint these walls and trim…but not this year!)
Tomorrow NEW YEARS DAY- we have our Annual Family Gathering at my daughters home. Friday I have her 2 littles for a few hours in the morning (doctors appointments…OH! THAT IS GETTING CLOSE… NEW BABIES WILL BE HERE BEFORE WE KNOW IT! Then Saturday and Sunday--- MORE REST.
I’ll pop in and show you a few things that took place in the middle of all the PAPERFLOORING… some surprises. I will also try and get my “how to” updated. This being the second floor to paper—I used some new techniques to make it go more smoothly. KEY POINT:: watch the weather HAS ALREADY BEEN COVERED. ;)
‘Til next time, Be Blessed!

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7
Happy New Years Pat!!
Hi Patricia, your floors are wonderful . . . and you are amazing:)
Cute shoes, too!
Come visit and join my "Three Year Blogging Anniversary, Give A Way".
Happy New Year!
Your blogging sister,
Connie :)
Happy New Year! Love your floor. It looks great.
You did a great job!! I'm guessing this was a LOT of hard work....Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year Handy Friend.. This does look a bit much for me, hard on the knees I suppose? But it looks great . I like the shoes, they remind me of MaryJanes, I have a pair of those and they are cute, wear them for special times. Looking forward to 2015 with you as a blogger buddy. Take Care we'll talk again, and thank you for stopping over my place and always leaving me a little joy.
Happy New Year Pat!
Happy New Year. At least you have a good start, I need to begin! It will be nice having a couple days off here as I now have my VACATION DAYS back! I used almost every day last year traveling to take care of Mom. So, my company shut down early on Wednesday (1/2 day), off Thursday and I took vacation Friday so have a whole long weekend to clean and tidy up. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2015.
Awesome. Now I remember how I found your blog. Your bathroom floor was on Pinterest.
Floor looks great!! Happy New Year!
You've been BUSY! Happy New Year! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
It looks very nice! Like WOOD. Amazing. Happy New Year, Patricia!
The brown paper flooring looks fabulous Patricia!! I caught up a little bit on instagram.
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