I spent some of my spare time Tuesday- trying my hand at Tatting.
(My Granny Jo’s tatting shuttle)
I have been saying for a few years now—that I want to learn to do this. I can crochet—so how difficult can tatting be?
(My first two attempts. I couldn’t get the hands to work right or the little knot to flip the right way.)
Apparently it’s harder than it looks. These are some of my samples from today. Let me just say, when you crochet and you make a mistake—you can just rip it. That’s right- just pull on the thread and go back the way you came! Simple. Not so with Tatting. Well, at least I couldn’t figure it out. So all these bits and pieces… got whacked off!
This sample above—kind of a cork screw. I found several videos on youtube and am GETTING CLOSE TO TATTING. I watched a Russian woman (with the volume down, I don’t speak Russian – and well, IT WASN’T HELPING!) She apparently was only showing the “half-stitch” and it just. kept. twisting. I didn’t know!
I found another older lady—somebody’s Grandmother, on video—she was quick—and thorough. She showed some good close up shots of the stitches—that’s when I found out about the ‘flipping’ part –(where the knot flips over)—GETTING CLOSER; but her hands were too close to the camera to see her technique so well. (and then there were some children in the background talking and Praising Granny for her job well done! – and well, that wasn’t helping)
At some point or another I was finally successful PULLING the ring closed.
*************In other news…*********
Some chickens were spotted getting close today while I was sitting on a bucket.
Even George came out of the corner to see what I had in my hands.
That’s it! I’m getting close to Tatting …and Some Chickens!
~ God Bless you and Thanks for Reading!
Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men,knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Colossians 3:23-24
I have no patience, I would have given up in about the first 3 minutes! Glad the chickens are coming around!!
OMG, I forgot to say, how fabulous it is that you are going to post Laurie's dress dress form for the ball! You are way to sweet! I got so into your tatting!
You go girl! I can't knit, or crochet and the closest I've ever come to tatting, is looking at my Great-Grandmother's tatting tool. She never tatted either - said it was too hard! Looks like you have a good start - and I just know you have the stick-with-it-ness to stick with it!
I have a shuttle and I've wanted to learn for years but haven't been able to find a "how to" book! That's how I learned to crochet - my mil tried and tried to teach me but she was too fast and too "bossy" so I just went out and bought a book and taught myself! I hope you can learn how - it's pretty much a lost art!
It's cool that you're trying your hand at something new! Keeps the brain sharp! hahaha
glad you got some quality time in with the chickens (and george)
Love that verse. Good luck with your tatting.
Good for you! I can't even crochet, so I admire you for doing that much.
Your chickens are so beautiful...I guess George would be called handsome, wouldn't he.
Hugs, Cindy
I told you your chickens would start coming around...:)
But were you Tatting with the chickens? I'm too lazy to look up what tatting is used for - repairing holes? Tying up chickens? Ann
Tatting is so pretty but man, it looks hard to do! Good for you for figuring how to even start!
Go you with your tatting!! It looks a bit fiddly, doesn't it? But I bet, once you get cracking, it comes more easily!!
I have always wondered about tatting --hmm guess that is how you spell it when the comment boxes come up I can't check how you spelled it. Anyways, I always thought it looked like crochet--guess it must be very different! What I would like to learn is macro-may (spelling?). I think it would be cool to make necklaces and bracelets with the macromay. I don't know where I would get the special string. I guess it could be found online. Some day, I might try---when I am up to learning something new. SO HEY, are those critters used to the new YOU yet???
Granny Jo's tatting shuttle is beautiful! I only do needle tatting because I don't have a shuttle and it seemed easier! LOL!!
That chicken in the first picture was certainly getting close! :)
Is George a barred rock roo?? He's so pretty! He looks like my Silver, only Silver has the blue coloring on his body and all from his daddy, a Blue Copper Maran! Great blog!!! Love all you're doing.... thought I'd stop by and visit again!!!
Hi- Sherri-
Yes, George is a Barred Rock. When the sun shines on his back he shows a little bit of sparkly- blue/green. He is very pretty.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting- I hope you DO visit again.
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