I've been busy working this week and for the last month or so...
Researching. Reading. Re-grouping...for lack of a better term.
Once in a while, I think I'll try something new. It takes a lot for me. Because I have a comfort zone. It is here...at Home.
I've never (for any substantial amount of time) worked outside the home. I've always stayed home and 'done my thing' here. The Honey has always liked it that way (and still does) and I did too. ;)
I enjoyed being home with my kids and teaching them. I loved learning new things with them. I loved taking care of our home.
Now... I'm thinking, I'd like to do something different.
So, after much consideration-- I'm going to be opening an Etsy Shop! I've given it some thought. I'm going to try it.
Am I scared? You bet. Because it is outside my comfort zone.
I'm still working on things. Still learning the 'business' part of it.
I'm hoping to open at September 1.
I'm telling you all this...because by doing so makes me accountable.
I also wanted to say "Thank you to Linda at Itsy Bits and Pieces. These photos are taken of all the goodies she recently sent me, from winning her latest give away. These are the sorts of things she sells in her shop. Plus, she included two magazines-- of which, she's been published and written about in both of them! YAY, Linda!!!
Didn't she do a wonderful job of wrapping all these things? It was just so pretty to see the package. She took the time to write a personal note, the cards and things were tied up so nicely in string; some were even hand stamped!
Thanks Linda!

Researching. Reading. Re-grouping...for lack of a better term.
Once in a while, I think I'll try something new. It takes a lot for me. Because I have a comfort zone. It is here...at Home.
I enjoyed being home with my kids and teaching them. I loved learning new things with them. I loved taking care of our home.
So, after much consideration-- I'm going to be opening an Etsy Shop! I've given it some thought. I'm going to try it.
Am I scared? You bet. Because it is outside my comfort zone.
I'm still working on things. Still learning the 'business' part of it.
I'm hoping to open at September 1.
I'm telling you all this...because by doing so makes me accountable.
But one thing that I think I already know how to do--- is to be personable and real with people.
I've learned that from watching other's.(My Mom, my Granny...mentors). I hope to learn much from you,too. So many of you, have started Etsy Stores; and are doing so well with them. I also wanted to say "Thank you to Linda at Itsy Bits and Pieces. These photos are taken of all the goodies she recently sent me, from winning her latest give away. These are the sorts of things she sells in her shop. Plus, she included two magazines-- of which, she's been published and written about in both of them! YAY, Linda!!!
Didn't she do a wonderful job of wrapping all these things? It was just so pretty to see the package. She took the time to write a personal note, the cards and things were tied up so nicely in string; some were even hand stamped!
Thanks Linda!
Anyway... I haven't posted that much this week-- thought I'd let you know. I'm still around...
Reading, researching and re-grouping!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Congratulations on the win, I was thrilled when I went to her blog and saw your name as the winner!!! Yay!
Good for you, this is a big step you're taking and I wish you the very best in this new venture!
Hugs, Cindy
yay for winning! and for Etsy! I did mine on a whim. :) But glad I did, I enjoy the extra money.
good luck Patricia!
Good luck to you! And that Linda is great.
You know, my girls have been after me
to open an Esty shop but what will I
stock in that shop is always what is
holding me back...I'm curious as to what
you will sell and I'll be one of the first
to check in there once you open...
Good luck to you on your new venture!
Congratulations on starting an Etsy shop! You'll have a great time. There's a learning curve but it's not all that big. I really love having one (though we're on hiatus for the summer.) Congratulations on your lovely package from Linda.
Oh, you will do wonderful!!! I know there is a lot of gals out there that will help you with ETSY! Be sure to make it worth your while and price accordingly!
Oh Pat...aren't you sweet!? I'm so glad you liked the goodies! And an etsy shop! I know you'll have a lot of fun with it!
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