I know! I'm doing things backward around here.
Do you expect that I wouldn't? Seriously?
I started a post and somehow it pushed down in queue and I missed Claudia's party...I'm very late!
I've been reading and watching this party the last ...3 weeks; and I haven't been able to think of a 'favorite' thing. I have so many things that I like around my home.
This week- I've been focused on my kitchen. I've painted re-arranged, culled, and dusted.
While doing all this I realized... I cherish this plate and pitcher.
I've had it about 2 years in my possession. I brought it back from my mother inlove's home after she passed.
It belonged to her mother, The Honey's Gramma. The pitcher is McCoy (about 1940's) .
The plate is Dresden (probably the same time period).
After we built the mantel over the stove , based on a Magazine Copy, which seems like eons ago!
I knew I wanted to put this plate and pitcher up there...because well, it looked good for the magazine!
Why not my mantel?
I've told you before...my in laws didn't have much. Their home was modest, tidy and sensible. So when the family came to clean out the house a lot of things were donated. As with most families-- each individual kept or took some things that were dear to them.
We (the family; rented a truck) brought lots of things back here to Texas-- I have many things BY DEFAULT; that didn't find a new home.
This is not any of that. It is a favorite thing. I do like it. The pitcher has some cracks and crazing... but I love the shape and form. The plate...simple with years of use.
I often wonder how they were used. I would imagine the pitcher once held that mornings milk for 10 children's breakfasts... and later my mother inlove's own 8 children probably drank milk from the same pitcher.
It makes me smile.
If you'd like to share a favorite thing or read what other's have submitted... hop on over to Claudia's party --still up 'til Sunday night.
**********************************************************************also here.

Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee; because he trusts in Thee. Isaiah. 26:3

How fun to have favorite things with meaning - and they look amazing against that dark mantel!
So very special...and sweet that you have them in a place of honor in your kitchen. Your mother "inlove" would be so happy :) Laurel
I really love that old pitcher. I'd like a closer view of it! Ha
It's great to have items from your own ancestors, I know I treasure mine.
Those are wonderful treasures, Pat, and a treasured story to go along with them. Ann
I so love these pieces! The family connection makes them even more precious. I'm so glad you joined in, Pat! And remember, it doesn't have to your most favorite thing just anything you're fond of.
Just so you know, McCoy makes Claudia very happy!
Your old pitcher sparked my interest.
I love it and wonder what it would be
worth today? But then the memories
are worth more....
Thanks once again for your sweet
comments. Your always full of them...
Have a great week
I too like to wonder about the stories behind the objects. Have to remember to do a bit of that myself so one day someone won't have to wonder about the stories. They will have been told.
That pitcher and plate are lovely. How wonderful that you were able to keep it as a reminder of a woman you cared for. Family heirlooms are my favorite things above all others, and you're so lucky to have these!
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