I've already shown you last week some things that didn't make it to the shop.
I kept one piece out of that post... because well...
You tell Me?!!! I was torn I tell you. I couldn't decide. I know it will sell pretty quickly... but then The Honey finally said it~
"I see you finally found you a bread box."
Me: Yep.
Honey: Are you planning on keeping it?
Me: I don't know... I've wanted one for a while.
Honey: You might as well... it's GREEN.
Me: =D really?
Honey: Might as well...
It would make your eyes cross if I told you how much I paid for it...
Isn't it just swell?
(that's vintage talk for 'Isn't it great?)
'Gee, Wally, what do you think?

Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee;
because he trusts in Thee. ~ Isaiah 26:3

I love the black cabinet's. They look great. The vintage bread box is super cool.. I would keep it.
I'm with Leslie, I'd have kept the bread box too. I've been looking for one of the metal ones but all I find are the newer wooden ones. I love your black cabinets. I'd love to paint my brown cabinets but can't talk hubby into it.
Keep it for sure! It looks in really good condition - and those are hard to come by. Most of the metal ones I see are horribly rusted. The cabinets are looking great!
I'd keep it too! It is awesome!
I think you're a very smart woman for keeping the bread box! LOL I have a wall of those... they are great "I am hiding this from myself" boxes! LOLOL
:) robelyn
Your kitchen looks great! Love the bread box. Your newest follower from the blog hop. :)
I just bought a metal bread box myself a few weeks ago. Its kinda bulky for my apartment kitchen but i'm keeping! I found at garage sale for nearly nothing. I'm a follower now too.
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