*** I had this post sitting in my draft box since JANUARY sometime:: thought I might share it with you this week.
When doing DIY projects around the house and home sometimes we may need a corbel or two; they work better in pairs, for support in building a shelf or mounting cabinetry. Corbels can be pretty and functional; but they can also get pretty pricey.
I first discovered the impact corbels can make on a project when I was building a COPY CAT Mantel in my kitchen over my Vintage Chambers Range.
I’ve since made corbels for other DIY shelves and projects.
You can get as fancy or as plain as you like with your corbels depending on your skill level with tools and the look you are going for; personally, I like the shabby- rustic farmhouse appeal of my corbels. Complete with hardware showing and all.
For the mantle over the range and the cabinet over the fridge—I doubled the thickness of the corbel by spreading wood glue between two thinner cut pieces and screwed them together …OR you can clamp them. After they are dry remove the screws or the clamps, whichever.
Ta-dah! Chunky Corbels.
When doing DIY projects around the house and home sometimes we may need a corbel or two; they work better in pairs, for support in building a shelf or mounting cabinetry. Corbels can be pretty and functional; but they can also get pretty pricey.
I first discovered the impact corbels can make on a project when I was building a COPY CAT Mantel in my kitchen over my Vintage Chambers Range.
I’ve since made corbels for other DIY shelves and projects.
My yet to be blogged Cabinet with CORBELS over my Fridge… (MY PERSONAL FAVORITE)
My yet to be blogged Cabinet with CORBELS over my Fridge… (MY PERSONAL FAVORITE)
You can get as fancy or as plain as you like with your corbels depending on your skill level with tools and the look you are going for; personally, I like the shabby- rustic farmhouse appeal of my corbels. Complete with hardware showing and all.
For the mantle over the range and the cabinet over the fridge—I doubled the thickness of the corbel by spreading wood glue between two thinner cut pieces and screwed them together …OR you can clamp them. After they are dry remove the screws or the clamps, whichever.
Ta-dah! Chunky Corbels.
There is a question of how to mount the corbels to the wall. What I have always done, is I use a board slightly longer than the corbel and 1 1/2 times to 2x the width; I mount the corbel to that board by placing the board to the backside of the corbel and then I screw through that piece to mount it. Ideally, you would counter sink the holes that the screws go into and then fill them so conceal the screws after you get them on the wall where you’d like…but I personally like the hardware to show. That is just a matter of preference.
(don't forget - DIY Corbel tutorial)
Also, I wanted to remind you, you can follow me on Bloglovin'
and, if you've signed up to receive Corn in My Coffee-Pot in your email box-- and YOU ARE NOT GETTING IT-- if you don't mind resubmitting your email and follow the prompts and email links to confirm. I think it is repaired. I REsubmitted my own email and I'm getting it now. Sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused. Thank you for following!
Til next time, Be Blessed!

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. ~ Philippians 4:8
(don't forget - DIY Corbel tutorial)
Also, I wanted to remind you, you can follow me on Bloglovin'
and, if you've signed up to receive Corn in My Coffee-Pot in your email box-- and YOU ARE NOT GETTING IT-- if you don't mind resubmitting your email and follow the prompts and email links to confirm. I think it is repaired. I REsubmitted my own email and I'm getting it now. Sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused. Thank you for following!
Til next time, Be Blessed!

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. ~ Philippians 4:8
1 comment:
I've only made these a couple of times, I forget to make them. lol silly gail
great job Patricia!
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