Saturday, August 9, 2014

:: A Small House- Asking for Less

I sometimes dream of living in a smaller home. I don’t know when or if that day will ever come; but given the opportunity, I think I would…

And I think I might like it too.

If you’ve read here for any length of time you know my mom has passed on almost 15 yrs ago.  I miss her. In that time, I’ve had the pleasure of becoming closer to her middle sister.  She is only about 10 yrs older than me—when I was growing up, I was much closer to my mothers baby sister with only 5 years between us. It’s interesting how things have flipped in later years.
Anyway—after a decade of apartment living she has finally bought her own house. It is quite small. Except for the zero lot line neighborhood.  I envy the small space living that she has. I grew up living in a house of about that size. A different floor plan but roughly the same sq. footage. Hers is an adorable little house with between 900 and 100 sq.ft.;  and I wanted to share some pictures with you.

I don’t have pictures of the whole thing.She has just moved in and some rooms are 'undone'.

 These are all in the main living area.

B-front room
Looking at the main seating area and turning to the right.

B- patio door
The hutch and more seating – and patio door, heading out to the small back yard.

Fireplace.  To the right you can see that it leads into the Master bedroom.

B-dining room
Continuing turning to the right. Almost all the way around. This is the dining space, with a small hutch. She collects tea pots.  She has an vast and varied collection. You can also see the hall, leading to the washer/dryer closet on the left, bathroom on the right and the guest bedroom down the hall.

shelf with tpots
Where she has this wonderful little bookshelf.  It was left by the former owner …in the garage. My aunt is a girl definite cut from the same cloth.  She repurposed the book shelf to hold more tea pots.  It cleaned up so nicely, I think!

Here are just a few close ups of her sweet little tea pots. btpots
Little Red Riding Hood. The Cat and The Fiddle (and the cow jumping over the moon) and a small child sized tea pot. 

She doesn’t have pets. Her grand kids live close by—and will love playing in the small back yard.  It’s the perfect size for her.  I’m so proud that she was able to make this purchase all by herself. She has it dressed up so cute too.

I live in an average sized home 1300+ sq. ft. larger than many I see now days… I look around and I know! we have too much stuff!!!  It would take some serious paring down in order to live smaller.  I definitely see the benefits of that some days.

Then of course…there are days on end; when I have a house full of people… and I know I would miss having them here with me.  On those days…I’m grateful for 4 acres and extra room. :)

I’m being grateful for what I’ve been given.

Before asking for something more…
or in this case before asking for something less. 

Til next time, Be Blessed!

and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist,


Patty Sumner said...

We tried downsizing.. it just did not work for us.. That was our cottage style home.. we purchased it and worked hard remodeling it. But, when all the kids and Grands came it was just miserable. We tried it and it just did not work.. Some day maybe but just not now! I agree, we have so many who come by and visit.. Bible studies...small groups.. Our Grands and friends.. I really appreciate a larger house and lots of for now.. we will enjoy what we have.. Your Aunts home is perfect for this part of her life and is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. have a great Sunday! Blessings!

Alex M said...

We have so much less stress in a smaller house and with a smaller yard. We are spending money on it but the projects are smaller over-all. It also helps to have a full finished basement!

corners of my life said...

Be careful what you wish for.
It is much harder than I thought it would be . . .