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Since taking our little excursion before Thanksgiving. I have fallen off the blogging track! No reason really, though we have gotten a case of the crud over the holidays and been a little under the weather. Other than that—I just haven’t had much to blog about. I said I was going to try and keep from that—and write more often, eh well- brush myself off, get up and begin again. I was looking through pictures of the trip. I wanted to share this old farmstead with you. I was amazed at the preservation and the feel of the place. It got me thinking about our move. What I want in a place. Obviously—where ever we land is going to need some work.
This place though not for sale—it is historical after all. The Parker- Hickman Farmstead or just google the name. Lots of information on it.
Just for fun- I’m taking a look at it through a property buying venture point-of-view. So looking at the above photo …
- First thing we’ll be needing. Indoor plumbing! That little bitty building to the left in this picture sets waaay back from the house--- and well, let’s just say, it’s not heated in the winter, and leave it at that!
- NEXT A FRONT PORCH- Since we’re looking to downsize We’ll probably have to build this-- I love a front porch for sittin’ -- it’s extra living space! I use my front porch for rocking the babies, reading a book, drinking the coffee, crocheting the hand towels… all sorts of living is done on the front porch. This one is complete with HOMESTEAD HOOKS! (pictured below next to the screen door) and a “welcome, please come in” sign!
twig hooks
- I always want my guests that come up to the porch to feel welcome! AND… have a place to hang their jacket
*see those natural hooks?!
- BASICS:: Space/ Lighting/ Heating - A good sized living room. With ample lighting. This fireplace is nice for warmth, and the windows look like they might allow a little bit of breeze—but that little … HOODIS of a light just won’t do! Maybe a couple of swags lamps …might brighten this room up a bit! :)
While I do like quirky and vintage-- I would think a door knob, maybe glass would be pretty here and a little bit of white paint? Though I have to appreciate the ingenuity of this knob and latch on this door leading up the stairs.
This picture was taken with a flash…because well, IT WAS DARK! Like scary-movie dark. Look at the treads on this stair case! Very well worn.
The bedroom at the top of the stairs was one open room…and even darker. I don’t think I got a good enough picture to show it. But—I just pictured a room full of kids bouncing on the beds up there! Like every night was a slumber party!
- CHARACTER- on my list of things in my next home —I don’t think I’d like a cookie cutter sort of house.
Onto the KITCHEN.
- MY NEW KITCHEN- Doesn’t have to be big. I have a good sized kitchen now, though it is an eat in kitchen, we still have ample room. This was probably an eat-in kitchen. I have never gotten accustomed to using a dishwasher. So I DON’T NEED or want one of those. This house had a large summer kitchen. Not ONE CUPBOARD or sink or drain-board. Imagine the possibilities! I would think the dishes might have been washed outside and the dishwater used to water the garden or tossed out into the yard. ( I do that already too!)
It had a large walk-in pantry for storing all sorts of food and rations for winter. Complete with a bench for sittin’ stored on the top shelf– I like sittin’. :)
- The 1st floor BEDROOM: If we had an 2 story house—I’d think I’d want a first floor bedroom--- unless of course, the view was spectacular from upstairs—honestly, I lean toward a single story home. Can you tell?
and more Character! ALL TYPES of paper glued to every surface, including the ceiling in this old farmstead. Most likely, insulation—but may as well be pretty too.
That’s the house! In a nut shell. That’s all I need…or want really. Small and simple.
Seeing how this family lived—so simply, calls to my simplistic ways so strongly. Now If we can just find a piece of land… for not much money. Maybe a tiny house!
I have all the other buildings to show you--- the granary, the chicken house, the smoke house and the two barns! For us… a bit much. But it’s nice to see and dream about simple times.
Stunning Nature and Lovely Bird Themed Wood Wall Hook![]()
‘Til next time, Be Blessed!
Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. ~ Psalm 37: 3-5
What a great old homestead! Wouldn't you just like to step back in time to see the family that lived there? All the paper on the ceiling is so interesting! Thanks for sharing!
:) you're so funny!
I think you SHOULD do a tiny house. :) lots of people are doing it....and it might be time to downsize. lol
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