** caution:: while reading this post you may or may NOT be subjected to subliminal imaging resulting in EITHER strong cravings for bananas OR! an aversion to GREEN bananas and/or fruit flies. You’ve been warned.
Earlier in the week I showed you my bag I made for school. It’s a messenger bag. My pictures were blurry; and I don’t think I gave too many details about it. It is of course recycled materials.
I cut the legs off an old pair of jeans and cut a pillow slip in half. I used the pretty edge (opening) for the flap…but first I put a piece of drop cloth on the inside to stiffen it; and to give it some weight and thickness. You can’t see it…but it’s there; while I was doing that I put a seam across that opening and turned it and top stitched around the outer edge to give it a finished detail.
The bag itself are the legs of the jeans. I wanted a little contrast and something to match the handle so before making the bag; I attached a piece of drop cloth to the “back” of the bag. I like the look…but it needs something. The rest of the pillow slip is on the inside (not pictured as a liner) I made the strap by sewing a long tube, turning it, pressing it and top stitching down both edges. It’s pretty sturdy.
I added 4 grommets to the bag…2 on front and 2 on the back (at the edges where the strap attaches). I can KNOT THE STRAP for the desired length.
I’ve used it this week for carrying my books and things to school…
But then this happened. One of the grommets pulled through the first hole I made; because, I didn’t use the hole punch that came with my grommet tool/set. I cut this hole myself and made it a tad too big. I was going to ask you …because you’re all so creative; if you had any suggestions on how to repair this. I’d like to carry this bag the rest of the semester… Maybe a larger grommet? Would stitching around the hole work? How about patching it and putting another grommet there?
That just might work!
** I got this far in writing this post and stopped and ran to make the repair. It was such an easy fix and while I was at it… I went ahead and added a bit more detail to my Morphing Messenger Bag!
Here is the final result.
First I removed the FAILED grommet and then I cut a piece of drop cloth and folded it over to cover the HUGE HOLE! I stitched through all layers …very crudely; since the patch was contrasting fabric, why not show it off a bit!
Then I had the idea to decorate the drop cloth on the back of the bag… I copied this idea (using drop cloth, a sharpie and your iron)
One of my favorite verses!
And that’s how my messenger bag evolved to this!
As to the bananas- well, that’s what you get when you stop typing mid-post and run to repair your project, (striking while the iron is hot) and purdy-fy your messenger bag.
‘Til next time, be blessed y’all!
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a Worker-man who needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. ~ 2 Timothy 2:15
The way you fixed it was what I would have done too. Your messenger bag just keeps getting better and better.
woohoo! you're very creative.
pillow slip... I haven't used or heard that term in YEARS. I call them pillow cases, but reading your post took me back to my childhood with my mom and Nana. My job was to iron the pillow slips! :)
great messenger bag repair Patricia!
Nice job! Good fix too.
you are so talented......awesome job. I sure wish I had sewing abilities....Hope you have a great weekend..
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