Hi All! Thanks so much for the feed back about my 'bad egg'-- the crazy looking one.
I've done some research myself and am thinking like everyone else it's a calcium deficiency. I had been pretty diligent to give them crushed eggshells before, but I guess dealing with the NUGGETS and having them ALL free ranging IN THE SAME AREAS- I forgot about doing this.

Too much calcium for young chickens can also create problems with their kidneys and do damage I was trying to avoid. So now I'm back to putting it in the chicken coop only.

I believe I've narrowed it down to who may be the culprit of the 'thin shelled' eggs. It's Gracie; the other half to my pair- George and Gracie. She is the smallest of my Barred Rock chickens, although I got her at the same time and she HAS GIVEN EGGS BEFORE with no problems. She's been laying in the box a lot. At times her comb seems a little pale too. I am not so sure that the missing feathers
is molt as much as it's just George being aggressive.
Here she is on a good day!

The Grace of the LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Philippians 4:23

Glad you've figured out what the problem is.
Shame on George. . . . those roosters need to let up a bit on the girls, huh? ;)
I find that giving them oyster shells works the best.
It good to figure out your issues, lol!
I always thought I would like to have chickens but I think I have a lot to learn. They sure are cute!!
SO much to learn. When to do this or that. I am always studying up. Do you use oyster shell?
I give my girls egg shells too. Had notice yesterday that a couple of the eggs were thin shelled. Guess that it is time for some oyster shells!
Say goodnight Gracie.
If I had a farm I would try a few chickens, I would love to have bees ans a goat to make goat cheese, but alas they would frown upon it here in town. I hope the eggs get a thicker shell!
Trying to figure out the right combo for chickens is not easy! We just got four a few weeks ago and are still experimenting. Good luck!
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