First I wanted to say THANK YOU for all your kind words for our travels yesterday; and for The Honey's test. So far, they haven't found anything conclusive as to what they're looking for. They did tell us they found a couple of polyps on his esophagus and removed them and they're being biopsied. We'll know something by next week probably. Thank you for your prayers; I ask that you continue to pray for his health.
I know all things are in the LORD's hands...There is no need for great detail here;He knows what we have need of; just pray as the LORD would lead you in the matter. We are trusting Him. Thank you again.
Now on with the show~
The other day I showed you my desk gutted from all it's blanket of paper work and clutter.
Today... THE WALL!
You've seen these photos before. So rather than take new pictures...because LET'S FACE IT! things haven't been changed much-- pillows, bedding, etc. The mirror has been removed; that's about it.

I'm showing all this...because we have an arrangement. You keep me accountable; in setting my house in order---and I promised not to frighten you,with scary pictures. (that's why I searched all of Pinterest to find a pretty place for your imagination to rest.) :)
After all what are friends for, right?

First I wanted to say THANK YOU for all your kind words for our travels yesterday; and for The Honey's test. So far, they haven't found anything conclusive as to what they're looking for. They did tell us they found a couple of polyps on his esophagus and removed them and they're being biopsied. We'll know something by next week probably. Thank you for your prayers; I ask that you continue to pray for his health.
I know all things are in the LORD's hands...There is no need for great detail here;He knows what we have need of; just pray as the LORD would lead you in the matter. We are trusting Him. Thank you again.
Now on with the show~
The other day I showed you my desk gutted from all it's blanket of paper work and clutter.
Today... THE WALL!
You've seen these photos before. So rather than take new pictures...because LET'S FACE IT! things haven't been changed much-- pillows, bedding, etc. The mirror has been removed; that's about it.
(i know...disappointed? You thought you were going to see loveliness? please, keep reading...)
The house settles and we've had it "Re- sheet rocked'. We've had the house leveled, that made it worse. So... I told The Honey rather than keep patching sheet rock...I'd just soon cover it up with paneling, SO I DON'T HAVE TO LOOK AT IT. He said that was fine. ;)
The paneling was some that came out of the Daughter's "new" old house. My son in law pulled it out...and well, I took it off his hands. Yes. I ran it horizontally. Because, I like it. It also has some discoloration where the trim used to be; ...but that will not show after it is wiped and then painted. I know...right now...probably not your cup of tea...but I think it will be nice when it's painted.
Still needs trim ...so just letting you know...progress is still happening in this room.
I told you...
Just so you can get some of the awfulness of the images out of your head... here are some PRETTY PAINTED PANELED Lovelies FOR YOU TO LOOK AT....
my inspiration!

I'm showing all this...because we have an arrangement. You keep me accountable; in setting my house in order---and I promised not to frighten you,with scary pictures. (that's why I searched all of Pinterest to find a pretty place for your imagination to rest.) :)
After all what are friends for, right?
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

What a great idea! I would love to do this! Thanks for sharing :)
Pat, hope you get good results from the test. I'll definitely join the team already praying for you and your husband. I also think your idea of paneling that wall is going to work out great. We lived in an older home that had settling problems and it seemed light a nightmare at first, but we became masters at camouflage... Yes, it's amazing what a little paint can do. Keep up the good work!
Pat, I somehow missed the post about your husband's tests. But I now know to put him in my prayers, for good test results and that the docs know what to do should they come back otherwise. I know how stressful something like this can be, the waiting and wondering. You both will be in my thoughts.
Now about that wall. I love the horizontal look. It gives it a cottage look and I know it will look great when painted. I have no doubt in your abilities after seeing your post about your bathroom floor. You can do anything!! Looking forward to seeing the final result!
Great inspiration photos. It will look amazing when it's done!
Continuing to keep you and your husband in my prayers.
Oooh, how exciting that you get to redecorate! Cheering you on, lady! And looking forward to seeing progress pictures:)
Hello my friend,
I'm still praying for a great outcome for your husbands tests.
Your room is going to look fabulous. Are you going to paint it a nice creamy white like the images show? That would look great, if so.
Hugs, Cindy
I shall be praying, too Pat for your hubby. And I would also ask for your prayers...I have been to doctors, ER, etc this week....it's on today's post.
Great idea. I just posted something like that on Pinterest...it was for a headboard above a bed.
Like the panels horizontal! I have painted paneling on both my front porch and back! I don't think anyone notices! Best to you and the Mr.!
I will be praying for your husband. As one who has been filling in cracks from the settling of our house this week, I think the paneling is a great idea!
I love the idea of running it horizontally! Will you paint it all one color, or stripes? I'll keep checking to see!
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