A Favorite Thing: JUNKIN'

Went to Elsie Mae on Market yesterday!
Oh my sweet dreams! That place is beautiful! From the moment you step onto the porch and to every nook and cranny in the place.
I got the V.I.P treatment...Lezlee from Priorlives gave me the guided tour. (when time allowed...they were super busy!)
We were ready for the cameras...can you tell? Shock and Awe!
Christmas was abounding in every corner...and springing up everywhere! Recognize some of Lezlee's SPRINGS... this Christmas tree was all glamoured up in Golden glitz!
Thanksgiving has not been rushed or pushed aside here either. This little buffet area had lots to choose from and many ideas for your Fall Table.
The Elsie Mae Kin Folks have lots to be Thankful for and share their story freely-- they LOVE TO CHAT!
They almost didn't get to open up this store...their first building burned down just weeks before their GRAND OPENING. They had to scramble to get a new place.
But you can't tell it. They all have such a good spirit about everything and know they are in this location for His purpose!
Check out the Shabby Chic room...it looks out over the store (and the back of the service counter) ...but notice that window mistreatment! Oh my goodness. It's a vent piece off an old car---where the windshield wipers go...they just put rags and strips of cloth on there. It was much prettier in person! (my photo skills...ick!)
I loved this candle holder too. It's a propeller off an OUTBOARD MOTOR.
I was taking a picture of it... Lezlee told me..."when in doubt, stick a candle in it"
I love it! That is a TRUE JUNKERS CREED right there!
So if you're in the East Texas Area or in the DFW area and would like to make a day trip out of it...Drive on down to Cedar Creek Lake area...South East OF DALLAS, Kaufman County
... and check out the NEW ELSIE MAE on MARKET
...go over and see them on FACEBOOK...and LIKE 'em!
If it's JUNK you like...

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you? To Justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. ~Micah 6:8

Looks like you had a lot of fun at this new shop! Hope you bought some lovely things to bring home!!!
Looks like such fun! Wish I'd been there.
Must have been a fun outting! Thanks for sharing.
What a neat shop! So glad you shared it with us!
Thanks so much for joining in this week!
Lucky to have such a great shop near by!!!
Have a great thanksgiving!!!
Looks like a great day "junkin'" cool store!
hope you're having a great weekend patricia
You lucky girl! I would love to go to that shop.
Happy Thanksgiving, Dottie
Thank you Pat! Loved the photos and seeing you again, we have changed up again, so hurry back!
Lezlee @ Elsie Mae on Market
How great you were able to go there! Looks like a lot of fun!
Loved reading about your visit to Elsie Mae on Market St in downtown Mabank. Your blog is wonderful. Thanks for sharing in photo's & words.
Oh my I would love this store!!! Love the display - that snowman is so cute! Would you happen to know what it is made of? Love that bed spring tree too!!
bee blessed
looks like what I would call an interesting conglomeration! Fun I am sure!
What a fun day! I was home cleaning...getting ready for Thanksgiving! I'm thankful I have a home to clean. :) And for too much stuff - so that I can give some away. This place should go on my bucket list.
Oh I am jealous (lol)! The store looks wonderful. I got to meet Lezlee at Junk Hippy show. I loved her booth and of course the meet! Thanks for the pictures.
Smiles, alice
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