Today, I spent time cleaning up around the house and putting things back in order from our Thanksgiving dinner.
All six kids were home and all but 4 grandkids were here.
The cousins made up for that. I was so glad the weather was nice.
We had a Thanksgiving Picnic... eating outside!
It was lovely.
So anyway today, I caught up on all the wash and hung it all out.
I love hanging my laundry out...our weather is mild enough most of the time to hang it out all year round.
I recently got these pins . Though I don't use this type to hang my laundry.
So instead--
I have 3 bundles of them for sale HERE in my shop.
*edited to remind you everything is 20% off right now in my etsy shop! Coupon is in the sidebar and at the bottom of this post!
*edited to remind you everything is 20% off right now in my etsy shop! Coupon is in the sidebar and at the bottom of this post!
I also got the kitchen put back in order.
We have one plate of small cherry tomatoes that are ripening up;
on a platter in the kitchen.
I love the way the sun is hitting the tree outside the window over the sink.
Finally, we have some color in the yard.
We generally have a brown Fall;
Nothing showy...but this year has been a little bit different. I'm not going to complain. I think it is beautiful!
How are you spending your Sunday?
I'm sharing this here: SSS

Please visit my shop:
9th and Denver
Check it out.
Just use coupon code: YEAREND12 for the discount!
Then he said to them, "Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our LORD. Do not be grieved for the joy of the LORD is your strength. " ~Nehemiah 8:10
So glad you had a happy Thanksgiving filled with time with your family.
Blessings to you, Amy
Those types of clothespins make nice ornaments. You just gave me some ideas on projects to post on my scrap site. We are busy with firewood this weekend.
Gosh, you can hang out laundry all year? Lucky you!
Love seeing your kitchen and that gorgeous tree out there. I hung some laundry out too and sat beneath it while I called my sister to say happy birthday. The scent kept wafting by me. It is gorgeous out. I got our Christmas tree up yesterday so I'm enjoying it today and I have finished off almost all the leftovers from when my daughter and her boyfriend were here. Wish there was some more. I spent so much time cooking and preparing all last week, I would be glad to have a food preparation break for a whole week. Not happening though.
Sounds like you had fun with your family. I'm sure you enjoyed it and I'm sure you will enjoy having the house back in order as well. It's all good!
went to church this morning and did some coupon shopping.
Now, I am trying to catch up on laundry from 5 days of holiday guests. I've got laundry on the line too.
I can't hang out my laundry because of all the stuff in air that I'm allergic to. But between yesterday and today, it would have been dried faster than the dryer! The wind is crazy and the leaves are flying all over the place. Maybe, I won't have to rake them up this year.
Glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was quiet as my brother and his wife went to Maryland to see their first grandkid that was born 2 weeks ago. Well, my sil has been there since the day before the birth. His son had to work so it was just my mom and I. Too quiet for me!
So yesterday and today, I just lounged around like I had nothing to do. Even the kitties lounged with me - oh wait - they allowed me to lounge around with them.
I remember those clothespins! I made a Nativity scene with them as a child.
I sure did enjoy cleaning my kitchen as I went along cooking and preparing Thanksgiving dinner this week.
That tree outside your window is gorgeous!
It was warm here on Thanksgiving. We could have eaten outside too.
A Thanksgiving picnic sounds like such fun! I spent my Sunday at church with both sets of married children and my two grandbabies and my husband and son. After the service we had a coverdish which we were able to eat outside on this lovely day. After returning home, Husband and I took our smooth fox terrier for a walk and we ended our day with Husband reading to us from a book. A real blessed day!
Pat, I love your table/island in your kitchen! And I'm jealous that you can hang your laundry out year round. (It was gorgeous here today, but winter here is not the time to hang laundry out) :)
Have a great day.
love the colors of the trees, too...spent part of the day helping daughter in law decorate for the Parade of Homes Tour, earlier sister Charlotte and husband made w and i your kitchen table, too.
Hi Pat,
You and I have a lot in common-domestically/decoratively speaking! I, too love hanging out my freshly laundered clothes in the crisp country air, our wooden tables as islands (very practical, I have to say!)and the fact that it is warm enough here on the island of Crete to have Thanksgiving alfresco!
Love your cherry tomatoes on the rustic tabletop!
We also had lovely weather on Thanksgiving day - I think a picnic style T-day would be a great idea!
Your kitchen is so homey and inviting--I also have a bright tree right outside my kitchen window. I named it Sparky--my oldest son and I were joking about naming things like JR Tolkein used to love to do. You asked about the TV in my post. Here is my reply: As far as the TV we had it at our other house. We were hosting Bible Studies at our other home and were using the TV for the Bible Studies. What I like also about the fireplace is that it takes way less room than our original TV stand did and it gives us a lot more room. We love football season!!! ;-)
Your kitchen looks so comfy Pat. When is dinner? Turkey leftovers, I presume? I still have my mother-in-law in town so I am still busy showing her around and enjoying her company. Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with being able to eat outside and a big crowd in attendance. Hope your week goes well. Ann
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