When last we gathered here together to speak of all things technical and the issues I'd been having.
I told you of a little surprise I'd been gifted

I told you of a little surprise I'd been gifted
Something I never thought I'd want. Turns out... I was wrong. No. it's not SUPER SPECTACULAR CROCHET SKILLS IN ALL THINGS GREEN...
It's what's IN-SIIIIIIDE. :)
Shall I tell you? Shall I hold you in suspense and let you guess? Naw!
First, let me just say-- I'm not really big on surprises. Even though Christmas is right around the corner-- the men in this family, when they buy something for someone---CAN'T WAIT TO GIVE IT TO YOU.
Some of the very best gifts...TRUE GIFTS, in my opinion are gifts that are given out of the generosity of the heart-- and not necessarily in observance of a holiday or special event. What we around here call...OBLIGATORY GIFTS: gifts dictated by a calendar.
So last Saturday-- my brother came out. Got the old computer cranked up, remember--- Bigger, Stronger, Faster- Bionic Computer and hooked up Wi-Fi, too. Thank you, brother.
Wednesday-- my oldest son...brought me SMILES AND the simple gift of a cord to help me get the pictures off the camera and here... for you to enjoy! :)
Thank you, Thing One.
But...Sunday--- my youngest son... brought me something totally unexpected.
It's a Kindle. Paperwhite.® YES! a digital contraption for keeping books. Not "keeping books" as in C.P.A. - no, a digital library!
It is light weight too! I've put lots of books on there , and it STILL only weighs about 7 ounces! Go figure.
Thank you, Thing Two.
Tonight, I scrounged around in my bags of thread... and found the LOVELY GREEN SPECIMEN and a little bit of BLUE.... and made a pouch for it; with two pockets One for the Kindle. One for the cord. (we don't want to lose the cord...we know how upset I get when CORDS BECOME LOST OR Worse...
The pouch is for travel. I can take with; for doctor appointments, overnights, etc.
The sleek black box that it came in, has a molded insert with a felt lining; for home docking and charging if I need to.
I know I said the other day" it's like Christmas around here" ...but really, it's just another day on the calendar and sometimes being given something you never thought you wanted -unexpectedly-is nice. Obligatory or otherwise. Like an ugly sweater. Once you try it on and wear it a little bit it's not so bad!! It makes you love and appreciate the GIVER that much more; because they give out of their heart whenever and however the opportunity strikes. It TRULY IS WHAT'S INSIDE.
Thanks Guys!
So, how about you, do you like surprises? Do you like to find the best gift for someone and make them wait until their birthday, Christmas, Anniversary, etc.; Or do you give it to them the next time you see them? The look of surprise is fun. How do you feel about OBLIGATORY GIFTS, and giving to someone, because the calendar says and THEY EXPECT IT? Share in the comments would you, because...I'm curious?

And let us not be weary in well-doing; for in due season we will reap, if we faint not. ~Galatians 6:9
Wow, amazing gifts! You must feel very special :) I love surprises, but only if I can open them on my own. I feel nervous if I open them in front of the gift-giver!
I think giving gifts based on calendar dates is just fine. People always love it when you remember their birthday :)
How wonderful!
Mister surprised me with a Kindle 2 years ago, and it's great!
Just made a cover for it a couple of days ago...the dog had eaten the first one I made.....
The calendar can help get the ball rolling but I'm finding I don't enjoy the "have to" of obligatory gifts anymore. I don't like gift giving to be a chore. Unfortunately, certain people would get all the gifts if I didn't have the calendar to tell me to get at it for others, because some people have more of a need or want for the things that I find myself drawn to giving.
How sweet to have your son think of you and surprise you with a Kindle. I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it. The cover is a great idea!
What wonderful gifts you have gotten! I love the unexpected filled with love! How blessed you are.
How blessed you are to have sons with such generous hearts! Although most of my gift giving is connected with holidays and birthdays, I do so enjoy being able to find a gift that I know will be much appreciated for no reason but the love in my heart.
Oh Pat! How wonderful! Not just the gift, but the thought behind it. You will love the Kindle. I kicked and screamed about not wanting one because I love books, but I am totally enamored with mine. If you would like a link to a site that gives you daily free Kindle book offers, let me know. It is from Amazon and I've found some pretty good books on it. The best gifts are those given out of love. Ann
Oh BTW. What about a Christmas tree or wreath banner like the pumpkin one I got special ordered? Is that feasible?
What a lovely gift! I know you'll enjoy it. There are so many free books that you can download. I don't have a pretty holder for mine like yours.
Such thoughtfulness! Gifts like time and the kindle are very special! My son called and invited my husband and I for a dinner out last night...love that kind of surprise! He gave me a kindle last Christmas and I wasn't sure I wanted one either, but I've loved it!
I LOVE surprises. We too, in our family, give gifts early. We just can't wait! But to me, it doesn't matter because it's still a surprise. :)
So happy for you! enjoy!
Such a generous gift and what a perfect cover for it too! Not too bulky and very lightweight! Just love green & blue together.
I had to take a moment to comment on this post as well...what a wonderful reminder that since we have been given the best "Gift" of all...we should be looking for ways to share that "Gift" each and every day! Recently, during "Sandy", my dad showed up at my house with a rocking chair he had just caned for my kitchen...he said that he couldn't keep it until Christmas...it made my whole day!
Thanks for sharing your "gifts" with us!
Sweet blessings,
You have such a wonderful, loving family! All your "Things" are precious! I am so happy for you!!! Loved this post! I admire your relationship with your sons and hope I will be so blessed when mine are grown! You've made me smile, thank you!
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