Let's face it.
You... my fans ...ehem, faithful readers- don't come here to see beautiful and wonderful pictures.
We all know this.
Sometimes... you don't even come here to read my lengthy rants.
You just come here to catch up like an old friend...just to see what I'm up to ...and If I'm up to NO GOOD.
My friends like keeping tabs on me. :) that makes me smile. BIG!
I told you about my recent updates on my computer. It turns out. All that technology, though nice as it is...can't help me get my pictures off my camera.
This is my problem...well, part of it.
Had my printer not went KA-POOT... I could just use an SD reader.
Such is life.
For all my friends out there...TINK-TINK-TINK- (that's me tapping on the monitor) I'm letting you know I'm still here and I'm tweaking my digital connection!
Thanks for stopping by and checking on me today!
Non-Sequitur Photo to follow:
Squirrel--at my sis-in laws house.

Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee.
Because he trusts in Thee.
Isaiah 26:3
Aaarrgghh. Tech issues. Hope it all is resolved soon!
Don'tcha love technology? Hope your fixed up and running smoothly with photos soon.
I am so addicted to technology. When something stops working I go into total withdrawal. It's terrible! How did my ancestors survive???
Susan and Bentley
Thank goodness my youngest child is a tech genius! He complained that when he comes home from Mississippi State that all he gets to do is repair what I have broken! Gotta love that kid! You can probably go to your local elementary school and find a 3rd grader that can get the photos off your camera. They are too smart these days!
ha! that is so true Still Woods Farmhouse... I probably could.
That's the reason I had a change of heart yesterday and put a pass code on our new Wi-Fi!
Techno-stress! I hate it!
My printer bit the dust a while back. Haven't replaced it. But I would go crazy without my camera and a way to get them uploaded.
My desktop was on the fritz too, so I am using a laptop with a wirless keyboard and mouse at the desk.
I feel your pain! I have such a hard time juggling my phone pics and my camera pics when working on things for my blog...getting something from my camera is a 5 step process and my phone only 3! Hope you're back up and running smoothly soon!
Uggg...the technical stuff really "gets" me...so glad I have my hubby to help me in that area :) Good luck!
The joys of our computer age. So much coolness and helpfulness, but so many other issues we never wanted to have to know to worry about!
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