I have not forgotten about the Settee and Chair.
I've not forgotten that I showed it to you and the WORLD... 3 years ago.
I've not forgotten that I made this a HOME GOAL FOR 2013
I told you ...
You'd get tired of seeing this picture.
I'm just showing you again...so you'll know, I've not forgotten.

Finally, brother, Whatsoever things are TRUE, Whatsoever things are NOBLE , Whatsoever things are RIGHT , Whatsoever things are PURE, Whatsoever things are LOVELY, Whatsoever things are ADMIRABLE; if any thing is excellent and praiseworthy, think on such things. ~ Philippians 4:8

I kind of like them as is "rustic" if you will, maybe slap a pillow on them and call it a day :)
This post makes me feel better. I have some projects that I haven't finished either, I am not alone!! There are others out there like me! LOL!! Life gets in the way and what we must do comes before what we want to do. It is a great sofa and chair!
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