You remember the bathroom wreath…
with the teeny-tiny bathroom fixtures right? If you missed it you may click HERE to catch up!
I thought I’d show you what became of the wreath and a bit more of the sewing I did while away from the blog between MID-FEB AND APRIL!
The momma loved it!
I had fun helping my daughter with the project—she designed most of it, but SHE’S A NURSE NOW!!! (smile) and her schedule is somewhat hectic—I sewed a little…then SHE sewed a little, she sewed a dust ruffle for the crib (NOT PICTURED). I guess we don’t have a picture of that. It was soft pink. She made the wreath (using the THRIFT STORE wreath seen above). I enjoyed working with her on this. So it was a co-operative effort. But WORTH EVERY MINUTE OF IT!
The rag-quilt is thin, it doesn’t have a lot of thickness too it. This baby will be born at the End of May—so a summer baby. (Like that matters-- it is barely in the 60° range today!) There are lots of patterns online and on Pinterest for this type quilt if you’re interested in making one. I’m not going to try and RE-INVENT THE WHEEL HERE. But if you have questions about it…you can email me and I’ll try to be of some help.
sharing this here:
Til next time, Be Blessed! THRIFTY LIFE THURSDAY @ Revisionary Life

But SEEK first His Kingdom and His Righteousness; and all these things will be added to you. ~Matthew 6:33
Fun! Looks like you have been busy.
Love the colors! I like your enamel pan planting in the previous post. I plant in those too-- fun look, isn't it?
Hi Pat, thanks for stopping by my blog today. I love the little quilt, it's so special that you and your daughter are sewing together. I wish my youngest daughter lived closer so we could do that.
I just saw this cake on facebook, and thought of the sweet baby things you and your daughter made - it's so cute, and doesn't look complicated at all!
You are a sweet mom & oma. Thanks for sharing at Revisionary Life Thrifty Life Thursday!
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