A few weeks back-- before I took my little blog-cation--- I asked you 'what you thought this bloom may be?'
Most of you were right it was a squash... Zucchini Squash.
The BIGGEST ZUCCHINI SQUASH this girl has ever grown!!!!!!
These were grown on the HUGELKULTURE MOUND IN THE KITCHEN GARDEN. With little to no effort. We've had good rain and mild temps; with lots of sun!
They are delicious too.
We're still getting zucchini and cucumbers from there. We have corn growing out there, but I'm afraid we won't yield much there -due to high winds and ...dun,dun,duh....
grasshoppers. Yes! they're back!
The front beds are doing better-- the chickens are keeping most of them (grasshoppers) away. Up front, we have tomatoes, okra, pepper plants (no peppers yet), cantaloupe, spinach -- the first batch bolted already, the second batch is still going strong; as well as, the lettuce. I started carrots and beets late-- we'll see what we get.

The Grace of the LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Philippians 4:23

Those are big, big zucchinis, lots of meals and recipes from those.
nice! We are waiting for anything here, we had such a warm start and now it is so cold! hoping nothing gets set back with 36 for the low tonight! yikes
Pretty zucchini--we're not close to having those planted yet. Still a bit too cold here.
Wow, pretty blooms and big zucchinis! I need to plant this if just for that pretty flower.
Wow! Just about time to plant zucchini here, and months away from actual squash.
Wow, I'm coming over for a huge salad! There is nothing better than home grown veges! Yep, you have a green thumb!
I love how excited you are about your garden! :) I'm so happy for you!
Oh, holy mackerel. That's a big squash or three. Congrats on your bounty!
nice tasty squash! i love that kind!
enjoyed reading your blog!
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