"Slow and steady wins the race..."
That is THE PACE with which I work ...now if I could just win.
I've had lots of 'hits' on my Home IN PROGRESS Tour button lately. It got me thinking about some unfinished rooms in my home. I decided I need to get a move on and get some of these rooms finished. It's time.
You all know how I move at a slow pace around here with projects. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to projects. I try to stay on task. But sometimes the obvious thing to do is just move on and come back to it later. (that is the perfectionist in me! 'it will never be perfect, so...')
All month long there have been bloggers all over the place posting about their 31 days of....(fill in the blank) projects. This is not one of those 31 DAYS set ups-
no, I can't keep up. Now... this is not to say I just won't do it...or use that as a lame excuse. Nope. I can't commit to a 31 DAY BLOGGING SCHEDULE...or follow one of those who have.
I just can't keep up.
But I have been reading Donna's blog FJI and she has been taking it slow and steady writing about 'Junk that Matters'

...she got a late start, then she became ill... but she is still plugging along. I appreciate her raw honesty so much! You gotta love that Gal... she blogs with heart, I tell ya!
Anyway-- she posted about 'gutting her office'.
I was inspired.
No. This is not Donna's office-- even at it's messiest her office is still pretty. :)
Nope. This is mine. I have to own up to this mess.
I'm following her lead and I'm working in my 'Wonder Room'...cause it seriously needs it. It is one of 3 ...YES! THREE!!! rooms in my home right now that needs a serious GUTTING! So why not get after it,right?
I know it is already the middle of the month. But that's ok. I just gotta do it;
because OH MAN! it's bad ...and it's making me crazy.
So... That is what it has looked like; off and on for a year. Nothing has moved much...only the clutter gets shuffled around every so often. I didn't snap a BEFORE picture of it today...but I think you get the jist of it. It may have been worse.
Yes! ...worse. I know. SHAME...
Claudia-- you asked if anybody else has a problem with paper.
There is your answer.
I have other things in this room that are bad...bad...bad, I tell you. Projects un-finished. So This is my first SPACE-PROJECT; on a long list of SPACES and I hope to work on it at lightning speed.
I want to get to at least one more room done before the end of the year. Get at least two of them down and out of the way.
It's a start...and yes-- the space behind that little door is empty too. I just didn't shoot it with door open.
I'm joining up with Brenda @ CLH.... because I'm in a PERPETUAL TWEAK MODE!

hope to see you soon with some follow up on this!

That is THE PACE with which I work ...now if I could just win.
I've had lots of 'hits' on my Home IN PROGRESS Tour button lately. It got me thinking about some unfinished rooms in my home. I decided I need to get a move on and get some of these rooms finished. It's time.
You all know how I move at a slow pace around here with projects. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to projects. I try to stay on task. But sometimes the obvious thing to do is just move on and come back to it later. (that is the perfectionist in me! 'it will never be perfect, so...')
All month long there have been bloggers all over the place posting about their 31 days of....(fill in the blank) projects. This is not one of those 31 DAYS set ups-
no, I can't keep up. Now... this is not to say I just won't do it...or use that as a lame excuse. Nope. I can't commit to a 31 DAY BLOGGING SCHEDULE...or follow one of those who have.
I just can't keep up.
But I have been reading Donna's blog FJI and she has been taking it slow and steady writing about 'Junk that Matters'

...she got a late start, then she became ill... but she is still plugging along. I appreciate her raw honesty so much! You gotta love that Gal... she blogs with heart, I tell ya!
Anyway-- she posted about 'gutting her office'.
I was inspired.
No. This is not Donna's office-- even at it's messiest her office is still pretty. :)
Nope. This is mine. I have to own up to this mess.
I know it is already the middle of the month. But that's ok. I just gotta do it;
because OH MAN! it's bad ...and it's making me crazy.
So... That is what it has looked like; off and on for a year. Nothing has moved much...only the clutter gets shuffled around every so often. I didn't snap a BEFORE picture of it today...but I think you get the jist of it. It may have been worse.
Yes! ...worse. I know. SHAME...
Claudia-- you asked if anybody else has a problem with paper.
There is your answer.
I have other things in this room that are bad...bad...bad, I tell you. Projects un-finished. So This is my first SPACE-PROJECT; on a long list of SPACES and I hope to work on it at lightning speed.
I want to get to at least one more room done before the end of the year. Get at least two of them down and out of the way.
It's a start...and yes-- the space behind that little door is empty too. I just didn't shoot it with door open.
I'm joining up with Brenda @ CLH.... because I'm in a PERPETUAL TWEAK MODE!

hope to see you soon with some follow up on this!

Oh give thank to the LORD for He is good; His loving kindness is everlasting. ~Psalm 107:1

GREAT idea! We just did a little "gutting" in our own office. It turned out great so maybe I'll share one of these days.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Let me offer you some encouragement. Joe and I started peeling off the most hideous wallpaper ever TWO years ago in our master bedroom and we are still not finished. We are easily distracted. And now I am using it for storage for my resell business which, thankfully, is getting busy. Thanks so much for visiting me. You have certainly cleaned that desk and have made a huge difference. I would never do one of those 31 day things either:} Olive
I didn't think your desk looked bad before!!! That's how bad mine is!
being a long time follower of Donna, I know there are two ways to clean, gut and shuffle. I try to gut, but sometimes it's just too overwhelming--like my basement or garage.
I too have three rooms that need gutting. Guest room is full of craft projects and etsy stuff. It should be first on the list since jamie arrives on saturday to spend the night ... yikes!
great job on the office!
Good luck with getting caught up with everything, you CAN do it. Your office is looking MUCH better.
Hugs, cindy
Can't wait to see what you do with it. Seems like long ago and far away a friend helped you move that desk to a new location!
Oh honey, you should see my office. You'd feel better. I can hardly walk in here, it's so bad.
And right now, I have no time to fix it. So I keep tripping over the stuff. Sigh.
Yes! and it doesn't matter where this desk is... I still have paper clutter! Maybe I should move it your house!Cause your office space is nice and tidy. That's the closest place I could think of and still come visit my clutter...I mean desk.
:) Pat
Yay! yay yay yay! It's a FANTASTIC start and aren't you glad you went for it?!
Wild applause here! Lookout world... Pat means business. :)
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