Back a few weeks ago I went to Bargain favorite place to shop for ALL THINGS USED...
I bought this little wicker mail sorter with 2 pouches for .50¢
I snapped this picture after I started painting. Why do we forget? I dunno.
This project isn't anything new. It's been done already--- EV.ER.Y.WHERE.'s new to me. Anyway- I've been wanting to try my hand at 'transferring'. Haven't done it yet.
I went here--
snagged a couple of free printables. She has some really neat ones.
I helped myself to No.1 and No.2
I was planning on using the Acetone (fingernail polish remover technique) but it
Didn't work(in this instance) . I obviously don't have the right type of printer ink for that technique.
So I did the next best think. I took my reversed print off transfer and traced it and filled it in with 'YE OL' BALL POINT PEN'
...Back to the drawing board.
- Wet the paper with polish remover.
- Cover with clear plastic.
- Rub it like 'the dickens', with the back of a spoon.
- Vio`la!!!
After painting the wicker and letting the burlap dry. I hot glued those babies on there!
Cute, huh? It's going in my 'Wonder Room'
A year ago I was having thoughts of a DEN... but this is what I've come to call it; especially now that I have my crafting MOJO back,and I am crocheting and sewing...and have an etsy store.
So... 'Wonder Room' it is- A Den of Sorts!


Oh give thanks to the LORD for He is good; His loving kindness is everlasting. ~Psalm 107:1

Your Wonder Room, I almost fell off my
chair laughing.. that is a perfect word
for most of my work room.. wonder what
or where is it?...haha
As for your little project it's cute
and I love how you improvised the
I've been at my daughter #2's for the
past few days helping her create a
new b/rm closet space and my hands
are sore this morning.. it's turning
out wonderful!
Enjoy your week Pat!
Now that is darling!!!!
I love those sort of things....
anything to enhance organization!!!
Nice job!
xo, Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
I love anything with a number - maybe it makes it so official. The burlap was a good choice for the wicker organizer. Good luck with Wonder Room, I am currently working on wonder-where-to-put-stuff room!
Distressed Donna Down home
Oh "ye olde ball pointe pen". LOL. I think it turned out really well and I like the use of the burlap. I had not heard of this technique so you are one up on me! Ann
Hi there! I was on Audrey's blog Timeless Treasures when I found you :) Your profile intrigued me when I read for your occupation that you are a bondservant to Christ - I liked it because I, too, have placed my faith in Christ and have a sweet relationship with Him :) Anyway, you have a cute blog and your posts made me smile. I am now following you and I look forward to your future posts. Have a lovely day.
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