***************Drawing closed*****************
Back before Christmas I contacted Jamie at HOME MADE SOAP SUDS through her etsy shop. I asked her for a trade. I sent her a crocheted cotton shower scrubbie from my shop and in return she would send me a bar of soap from her shop, to try. Then , after trying her soaps, I would refer any of my shoppers to her store by placing a link in my shop!
Sounds great right?
Well, we exchanged packages through the mail... She generously sent all this great stuff!
(3 bars of soap and 1 lip balm)
I took pictures...tried the soap and the lip-balm! Both wonderful!!!
And...then I lost my photos!!!
Don't you hate when that happens?
So because she sent EXTRA PRODUCT... I've decided to share it with one of my fortunate readers...
I don't do give aways very often but when I do...I think it's fun!
She sent me (besides the lip-balm which she sells in her shop and a mystery soap, that I've almost used completely!!!)
Have fun with it!
**edited to say-- please leave your email so I can contact you if it's not listed in your profile or attached to your blog! Thanks!

The eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth so that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. ~ 2 Chronicles 16:9

Back before Christmas I contacted Jamie at HOME MADE SOAP SUDS through her etsy shop. I asked her for a trade. I sent her a crocheted cotton shower scrubbie from my shop and in return she would send me a bar of soap from her shop, to try. Then , after trying her soaps, I would refer any of my shoppers to her store by placing a link in my shop!
Sounds great right?
Well, we exchanged packages through the mail... She generously sent all this great stuff!
(3 bars of soap and 1 lip balm)
I took pictures...tried the soap and the lip-balm! Both wonderful!!!
And...then I lost my photos!!!
Don't you hate when that happens?
So because she sent EXTRA PRODUCT... I've decided to share it with one of my fortunate readers...
I don't do give aways very often but when I do...I think it's fun!
She sent me (besides the lip-balm which she sells in her shop and a mystery soap, that I've almost used completely!!!)
- 1 bar of COFFEE SOAP: It contains All Natural Ingredients, (sweet almond oil, coconut oil, mango butter, Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Palm Kernal Flakes, Sodium Hydroxide, Ground Coffee, Shredded Loofah, fragrance)
- 1 bar of Sunshine Soap: it contains; Castor, Palm, Rice Bean Oils, Shea Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Calendula Petals, Colorant, Fragrance
I'm Including:
- 1 -5 1/2 " shower scrubbie : Made by me- w/ 100% cotton grown in the USA.
Leave a comment here between NOW...AND Feb 2 (Ground Hog Day) and your name will be entered in a chance to win-- the drawing will be held on Saturday, Feb 2!
It's pretty simple. Just leave one comment. If ,in that comment, you tell me the new name change for her product line of soaps-- you'll get another chance to win.
The Loud Silence her blog
Homemade Soap Suds her etsy shop
Have fun with it!
**edited to say-- please leave your email so I can contact you if it's not listed in your profile or attached to your blog! Thanks!

The eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth so that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. ~ 2 Chronicles 16:9

Love homemade soap! The new name is elliebelle :-)
Wow what a great giveaway.
Lovely trade and giveaway! Elliebellie is the new name!
love soap! and would love something made by you
Eileen Engel---What a great chance at good, clean, fun. Read your posts every chance I get. Love it. The new name is elliebelle.
I would love to win this giveaway.
How generous of you and now let me
go check out her shop. I's love to
try the soap!
Thanks so much.
i love home made soaps!
daniellex at gmail dot com
I love homemade soap, and will check out the etsy shop.
I'd love to win this giveaway. Thank you for doing this!
could you please leave your email, or you can email me.
Thanks, Pat
Eileen Engel-- could you please leave your email, or contact me with it-- via email, if you win! Thanks! Pat
Her soaps look good enough to eat! Ellebellie, if I read it correctly! And your scrubbie has to stay together better than those atrocious nylon ones they sell at the stores, right? Ann
MMMM I can almost smell the coffee soap! I can only imagine how delicious is its scent. Thanks for the generous giveaway!
I love handmade soap and would love to be entered!
What fun to have a chance at the giveaway! "elliebellie soaps by jamie" is the new name and they all look good enough to eat!
I love the scents of the soap! They all sound like they would smell delicious!
Handmade soap is the best. That's the kind of package I'd love to get in the mail, too!
What a wonderful give away...I love homemade soaps. I buy local here from a lady that uses goats milk and her lip balm is great too. Your cotton scrub looks great. My Mom-in-law crochets my dish clothes from cotton and I love them... I will not use anything else..so I imagine the scurbbers wonderful.. sumner11@roadrunner.com Blessings!
I'm back.. Ellie Bellie is the name of her soaps.. I googled and looked up her Etsy page.. great soaps at great prices. Blessings... Do you sell your scrubbie's?
Coffee, huh? Hmmm.
Love the name of those soaps, makes you want to try them! Would really enjoy this! Love that your scrubbies are made with 100% home grown cotton!
NOT "home" grown. Ha! I wish...but I'm not that adventuresome. But it is Cotton GROWN in the U.S.A.!!!
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