I was hoping to have a NO SPEND month this year and my target month was January --but we never really finalized it between us. If you're going to have a NO SPEND MONTH it helps if both Hubby and Wife are on the same page.
So it didn't happen.
You just can't go all WILLY-NILLY...and NOT spend money. You have to plan these things out.
Like most of you-- there was Christmas last month...and before that Thanksgiving...blah, blah, blah... all the extra cooking and baking through the holidays had my pantry looking pretty sparse. I had to re-stock that; and we had some unexpected things that needed replacing or repaired.
It almost sounds like I'm cheating already by planning ahead. But I don't think so; you have to gear up for this. The idea is to NOT spend money for a month, especially on extras...it's simple really, but looks different for each household.
For us it means:
- (we) ONLY spend on NECESSARY Gas and Groceries. Ideally, if you've planned for this and stocked your pantry--that eliminates extra trips to the store; so less gas is needed too!
- Already-- you're going to save money.
- NO A.T.M's...The other thing in a NO Spend month--besides BILLS; whatever does get spent-- SHOULD YOU FAIL...you ONLY SPEND CASH.
- NO EATING OUT! ... Absolutely,NONE.
- "Did Somebody say Mc-No-Eating-Out?
- (this one hopefully will be easier for us, since we've ALMOST completely stopped this)...and we DON'T DO McD'S. (honest)
I'm hoping February will be a better choice for us and a success! We can put that money back-- because of course, if we're not spending; we can be eliminating some debt or save it, right?
I'll be tracking it all and ...well, blogging about it too!
In the mean time; I've read a couple of other blogs where the blog author's households were having NO SPEND MONTHS-- I can't think of them right off hand, except for Laura @ WhiteSprayPaint... You can read her posts here: NO SPEND JANUARY
Perhaps you're having a NO SPEND MONTH, or you've had one in the past... leave us a link in the comments below--So we can all read about your success or your fail...OR we can cheer you onward in your quest to NOT SPEND! ;)

I've added a few new things to the shop and have renewed some older things-- be sure stop by and check it out!
The eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. 2 Chronicles 6:19a

A no spend month? Hmmm, I've never heard of this! We've been very deligent about stashing cash into our savings account though! Hope you're successful:)
whoa! I could never go a month without eating out. I'd be miserable. ;) I can eat at wendy's for $3.
I don't do atm's EVER. I don't have any money in there to draw out. hahaha It's all for bills, gas and groceries.
wishing you the best, and I feel y'all "got this one" by planning ahead. And... if it were me, I'd be saying (in the middle of feb) There's always march! hahahah
We are not making trips to town, more than 1 x week now. Sometimes not at all, due to the lack of cash for gas and supplies. We are out of cat food, onions, milk and a few other items. We live a lot on soup to save on food for our large family. However, there are the animals, car repairs etc. too.
I love that idea..A no spend Month...Difficult but sounds very rewarding..I am going to begin working on a budget...saving money...moving..buying a new house....I am excited to hear how things goes and gleaming from all your wonderful saving ideas...Blessings!
I think this would be fun to do, but I can see myself running out the month before and buying everything I think I would want for the next month.
I am cheering you on, Pat! Looking forward to more details as the month progresses. You are so resourceful that I am sure you will have success!
You are such an inspiration. I'd love to have a no spend January, but my car just broke down. I did however just get rid of cable. That's as good as a no spend month because cable costs are through the roof. I'll be rich in no time not wasting all that cash any more. Keep up the good work!
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