This weeks Frugal Fodder really is about FRUGAL FODDER!
Over the weekend, I was talking with T.H.(the Honey) about going to buy some hay.
He reminded me that we're going to mow the field soon and that the last time we had it bush hogged the man told us we "had some good 'hay' back there...and we should get a cow."
Oh yeah... well, all we needed to do was get it mowed and let it dry out...
Our son in law mowed it for us...and T.H. gathered it up in the sled (old plastic bed liner)
This is the sled after I used some for mulch in the garden and some to line the coop!
Since we don't have a cow... still working on The Honey...he is convinced we don't NEED a cow...or goats. Hmmmpph!
After it dried out... I lined the boxes with fresh hay, sprinkled with D.E. (diatomaceous earth) to rid of any mites or unwanted bugs that might be left behind.
Plus I got a couple of good sized wheel barrows full of garden fill to help fortify the raised beds.(that's another post)
Seems like everyone is happy... I know I am!
Let's see... here is the gang waiting to be let out this morning.
You can't tell it...but I can tell---they're happy chickens. ;)
Well, except for Pearlie---
I think she'd like some privacy.
...And Ethel.
She was surprised to see me taking her picture from the egg collection door!
I think she may be camera shy...
While Ethel and Pearlie are in the coop
everyone else is enjoying their morning stroll!
...Ethel emerges from the coop.
The pay-off!
SO... lets do the Frugal Fodder Math...
Free hay + Clean Coop
= Happy PRODUCTIVE Chickens.
Can't get more Frugal than that!

Therefore be careful how you walk not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of your time for the days are evil. ~Ephesians 5:15-16

i think we should start a goat and cow petition for you!!! i'll instigate it so your honey can't point fingers at you!!!
LOVE the chicken pictures... makes me kind of want some eggs! what the heck does that say about me?!
;) Happy Spring!
Your chickens are pretty! Fresh eggs--- how nice!
I am chuckling about you cleaning up the coop. My son has that job right now and has kind of gotten behind on the "cleaning out" part. He does well in gathering eggs, feeding and watering, but hasn't kept up the cleaning part. Therefore...the coop has gotten pretty yukky. Now he is scrubbing, scraping, hosing, sweating, and repeating all of the before mentioned actions over and over. He's struggling to get everything as clean as it really needs to be because he has let it "pile" up. He will be gone all summer working at a Christian camp and I will be taking over his responsibilities while he is gone and I want the coop in tip top condition when he leaves. I want to be able to start fresh. Anyway, he is sure wishing that he hadn't had those idle hands about right now. :)
That's a win-win! Yes, work like that is hard, and soooo satisfying!
That is pretty frugal...and the eggs look great!
Nope. Sure can't. The chickens are pretty and shiny. That must mean they're healthy. How about llamas? I saw a llama farm last time Judy and I were out in the country.
how nice. I would love to have some green grass to take a morning stroll on, we still have a couple feet of snow. Grrrr- no production here!
Get a cow!!! Puleeeeeeze! You know I live vicariously through you! Love TH for The Honey and way to go on the free hay. Chickens are looking good. Ann
I love it! What a perfect use for the hay, and I'm sure the hens are so happy. When we were kids, we used to sell the fresh eggs and made lots of people very happy! Enjoy yours!
Your right about that.. Love your chickens
and the way you tell the story!
Happy Spring to you my friend!
and to the Chickens too!
sweet post! I enjoy reading about your girls! :)
I love all of your photos and your story line and the knowledge that frugal does pay off big time!
Have a wonderful day, my friend.
Hugs, Cindy
This is a great post Pat. I loved seeing your chickens and they look so happy in their freshly foddered coop. Good to see you and your honey enjoying the farm. xo geneva
Aww your chickens are adorable! Nice to have free fresh hay for them, we use shavings since my husband used to manufacture them before he sold that business. (we still have lots left over)
Debbie :)
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