This weekend we had a birthday party for my youngest grandson...
he turned 1!
and just Being Kids!!!
Lest you think I am really an awful photographer, and clueless...which I clearly admit to being poorly skilled anyway-- I don't show my Little's faces! If I can't show photos with no faces...then sometimes I will doctor them in order to show the activity or what-not...
I love my grandchildren and have tons of fun with them. They are huge part of my daily life.
**** But in all seriousness...
I want to take a moment; because I have so many new followers and because this JUST NEEDS TO BE SAID.
We recently had it brought to our attention that some children, not directly related to us, have had some terrible things happen to them. The mom of this child had to go to a government office and identify her child from photos ON someone's computer!
While there-- photos of other children in the family were also identified.
Child pornographers had pictures of that families children on their pc. We are all shocked. Though not the worst part, one of the shocking things about this the second set of pictures(not pornographic) were taken right off a VERY popular Social networking site...
This family is devastated.
A ripple effect has gone through their family and into ours...and pictures have been removed and accounts closed.
The worst part...
innocence has been lost!
There just aren't any words.
Please, please take precautions. Please protect your children and their innocence.
There is a thief...and he comes to kill, steal and destroy...But there is One who comes to give life and give it abundantly!

You're smart not to show your sweet little's faces, I am careful when I show photos of my grands. I try not to show their precious faces. It's so sad when we have to protect our little ones from these parasites.
Was it FB by any chance?
Hi Pat,
I'm so glad I came over to visit and saw your post! I have shown pics of the grandchildren on the blog and I am certainly rethinking this. What a sad, sad thing that there are so many weirdos out there!
Even without seeing faces, it's easy to see how much fun y'all had celebrating his birthday. Thank you for this post ... It's a sad world sometimes isn't it. xo geneva
Looks like the little ones had a wonderful time!
And what a sad (and horrifying!) story. I can't remember if I have pictures of my grandkids on my blog (I'll have to check), but I'll think twice before posting them in the future.
Debbie :)
I'm amazed how many people post children's pics on blogs etc. I never have for this very reason. Folks are way too trusting! Good of you to point this out.
A lot of that has to do with facebook, considering it's growing size. Cute photos. Lots of happiness there.
You hear about this ... but you think it won't happen to someone you know. How sad!
When I see pics on pinterest of kids with those awful speech bubbles, I KNOW that THEIR parents did not put those speech bubbles on there. Even though I might think some are cute, I never, ever re-pin them.
I had noticed that you had blocked faces on past posts and wondered why. Thank you for telling us about what goes on. I had not given much thought to normal, everyday pics of our kids (grandkids) being used for purposes we certainly never intended. I asked my daughter's permission before putting up pics of my grand..she said sure, she does all of the time. You've given me real pause for thought about this. Scary world we live in. It's hard to imagine all of the possibilities for weirdness.
Looks like an awesome day! and I don't blame you one bit for blocking out the faces..The world is insane these days and all privacy is pretty much gone.. We need to keep our children safe..
Some of my favorite pics are shots of my loved ones facing away from the camera. I was loving the colorful scenes of kids playing but then noticed they were all this way. It's a scary world out there.
I think your pictures show that fun was had by all without compromising privacy issues. Innocence is lost a lot these days. So sorry this happened to those people and I don't blame you for being careful. Someone always has to take a good thing and ruin it for others it seems. Makes me sad. Ann
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