Popping In to say "hello"...
The problem? It has been so lovely outside. I've wanted to be out there too. Our gardens need some attention. We are so blessed to live in the country; but as you can imagine, there are lots of critters and elements that make gardening hard Work! We are battling the dreaded grasshopper again this year. They are devouring everything that is growing out there! I feel a little bit lazy when I'm not outside working in the yard, chasing the grand-kids or mopping the floor. :/
I'm experiencing some priority shifts here in the home. I recognize there is so much that needs to be done. Sitting at the computer, reading all of your blogs, while fun...can be time consuming. So, I'm having to back off a little in order to get the Work done.
So tell me, how do you get it all done? How do you spend your time?
The cleaning?
The budgeting?
The decorating?
The child training? (the puppy training?)
The gardening?
The Etsy-ing? or Shop-thing-ing?
The overall juggling?
Do you have issues with prioritizing? Do tell.
I hope you're getting to enjoy all the things you love doing today. Inside and outside. While getting your work done all at the same time. :)
For now, I get to enjoy this lovely little painting; when I'm at my desk...etsy-ing!
Have a wonderful day-- and be blessed!

Finally, brothers,Whatsoever things are True, Whatsoever things are Noble,Whatsoever things are Right, Whatsoever things are Pure ,Whatsoever things are Lovely ,Whatsoever things are Admirable; if anything being of Good Repute, think on such things. ~Philippians 4:8

I used to get it "all" done before chronic illness set in. Hard to pace yourself as you see the dust gather, etc., but it will be there when you get around to it! And in the great scheme of things, I don't see any prizes for the cleanest house or the weed-free-est garden. You're right, too, about blogging taking up time-- our mothers never did that!
Good Evening to you, Mmmm, interesting.... now how do I spend my time. If I'm honest, these days I am spending far too much time on the computer. I love reading all the lovely blogs, but I am now limiting myself. I get up at 7.00 am and allow myself 1 hour in the morning to answer comments and 1 hour in the evening aswell.
I have to force myself out of the house to take exercise, and everything else, happens when it happens, you know cleaning, dusting and washing. Actually in the summer the gardening always comes before the cleaning. Everything seems to get done, but I'm not sure how.
Best Wishes
The only way I can get it all done is to eliminate sleeping. I only get about 4 to 5 hours a night and then once a week or so I catch up. One thing that makes it easy is living in a small space - less to clean. And, oh how I wish our dog didn't shed.
oH, dear...I just never seem to get it ALL done but I love bloggin' so much, I'll let something else go....:))
All what? I don't seem to get anything accomplished these days, not even getting on the computer! And I have nothing to show for it. When I figure it out I will let you know. For now I will live vicariously through you, my very organized and busy friend. Ann
I spend a little time on the computer in the mornings and then all electronics have to go off or I don't stay on track. Well that is my goal anyway. I love summer. Driving the kids much less gives me so much more time at home.
Summer is so short here I've got to get out while I can!
Like you, I do need to step away from the computer.
Right now I just trying to get my house put together after
our move.
I am a list maker and just slowly peg away at things. Sometimes I jump all over the place but I usually finish what I start. xo Diana
I do lists, and prioritize. Sometimes I farm out the help! LOL
But mostly I'm interested in that picture or whatever it is with the birds on it. What is that? I like it!
prioritize? easy, if it's pretty outside, it's chores out there. If it's too hot, or raining, then I do inside chores. Overall, only about 75% of any of it ever gets done! hahahaha
oh, and the computer, I squeeze it in whenever I have a few minutes to spare. Plus, I work every night from 8-11 online.
But when you love what you do, it's all good, right? :)
Pat, I've been struggling with it all too. I'm just not having time for all the blogging stuff. My ability to post comes and goes. We had a garage sale last weekend that really took it out of me. I'm just trying to let some of the blog stuff go as needed and figure I'll post more again when I can and visit blogs as I can (that's why it takes me so long to get back and leave comments...which I'm only doing once a week now). I hate to miss all that everyone's been up to, so it takes some time to catch up on all the posts. I try to keep up with the email daily. The blog is not something I do to make money, so it doesn't matter if I falter, but I do enjoy keeping track of things there even just for myself. My blog is like a little project history book for me, but not everything even makes it there anyway. Ah well, life is full and at least there's always something to do, right? The pendulum swings back and forth and as time allows it will command my attention more.
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