Tuesday, December 31, 2013

:: 2014’s Word for the Year ::

I really can’t say how long I’ve been picking “a word for the year”. I know I began doing it years ago before I ever started blogging. I have some of them written down in journals…but some of them I didn’t pick for myself. Some of them were just recurring themes really.  That I would finally notice about 2 or 3 months into the year and off I’d go on the way to noticing it again and again for the rest of the year.

It’s funny because I mentioned it to a friend of mine once and she told me “Oh, I noticed that about you a long time ago.  It’s because your a WORD PERSON.” 

Honestly, I think I do a word for the year because I’m terrible at keeping a NEW YEARS RESOLUTION.

I start thinking about my Word for the New Year… probably after Thanksgiving sometime…and reflecting on my current word as well.
This year my word was ‘SIMPLE’ ---I think it helped me to focus on doing things the easiest way possible.
“Slow and steady wins the race” you know? 

For 2014—It came to me while I was writing my last post really.  The contrast between Reflection and Anticipation… I learned a lot about myself this year. I saw things from my past a little more clearly.  I saw things differently; in a way that really mattered to me.

I saw some,wasted moments, wasted days, Wasted spaces, and WASTED WORDS.  I think I might have even written some wasted words here on this very blog.
I am very much looking forward to the turning of the calendar…to a new year.
So anyway—On with the WORD!
I’m looking forward to making some corrections in my personal life, spiritual life and effecting change around me. I cannot do that without BALANCE.

photo (8)

So I sit here this evening…
The EVE of the New Year;
The last night of the old year…
Waiting as the clock ticks…
As if to BALANCE  on the very precipice of TIME.

I hear this clock ticking very near where I’m sitting.  I took this picture hours ago…and I see the scripture written out in my own hand…it is an appropriate reminder to me as the new year comes—give my days to LORD, so that at the end of each new day I have something to give back to HIM.

I cannot wait to begin anew and fresh!

On the one hand I want to  stay up and count down the hours, minutes and seconds; I want to savor every last minute of this old year. There is so much to remember about it and learn from it. I am  ANTICIPATING EVERY CHANGING SECOND.
On the other hand…I am wanting TO PUT THIS YEAR TO BED! I want to rise early and see the sun coming up through the trees; bringing the dawn of a New Year with it!  I still find this night so exciting!
How about you, do you have a word to let be your focus—something that has special meaning? Will you share it in the comments?

My hope and my prayer for you dear reader – is that you have a Happy and Blessed 2014.
May you find Balance through the Word EACH AND EVERY DAY!

Til next time, Be Blessed!

So teach us to number our days. That we may present to thee a heart of Wisdom. ~ Psalm 90:12


A Daughter of the King said...

In Yoga, we balance, asymmetrically, on one leg in what is called the tree pose. We steady our breath, with our hands in prayer position; we wobble and teeter, struggling to maintain the steady firmness of calm uprightness. When we feel steady, we lift our hands and reach out. Is there anything living that is more steady that a tree? May you be like a tree this year ~ a tree established in love, washed with the Word, roots firmly planted, sometimes in prayer position, sometimes with one arm to the left, one arm to the right; all times with your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith.

BTW, I think you already have considerable balance,...on the other hand...you are sorta, nutty.:) Happy New Year to you!

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Thanks 'a Daughter' !!!

The Boston Lady said...

Happy New Year, Pat! Because our year has been quite challenging I choose two words for 2014: Hope and health. I know you know why. I wish you and your family a blessed new year. I so appreciate you! Ann

NanaDiana said...

Thanks, Pat, for the inspiration I find here. I think I am a "word person", too. My kids always had the best vocabulary of anyone in their classroom(s) because we played word games all the time. They are all "word people", too.....as was my father. I think I need to pick a word for the year- I have never done that before. Happy New Year to you - xo Diana

Mary Smith said...

Fantastic! I love your word of the year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Leslie said...

Happy 2014!!!!

Melanie said...

That is a good word to choose. Happy balanced new year to you!!

Cecilia said...

When I saw your title, I thought for a moment then breathed out "Balance", then I read your post! Ok, God is amazing! Praying for you to find balance in all you do! ( and if you don't mind, I'm going to adopt that word too!)
Blessings for your New Year!

My Repurposed Life said...

I don't have a word for this year. I'm bringing back Yes from 2012 I think. I have hopes and dreams for 2014.
I too, LOVE the beginning of a new year. Something about it makes me want to clean and purge, but that only lasts a few months. (I know from past experience) But even a few months is better than nothing at all.
Love your word Patricia, and that you've been doing it for years. It never occurred to me to have a word of the year before I heard of it in the blogging world.

wishing you all the best for 2014!

Revi said...

Balance is good. I like it. I was thinking "FOCUS" but maybe I'll steal your word. :) Come to think of it, I'm too unfocused to come up with only one word...I think a list is in order. Happy New Year, Pat.

LV said...

Great idea and one we all should put into practice.

Diane said...

Hope you find balance this year. I will keep that word in the back of my mind too. Can be tricky at times!

Angel said...

I guess my word is "consistency" but it's been a word for me for a few months now. You know I tend to be "all or nothing" so I'm just trying to be consistent, not perfect, in many areas of my life. :) LYLAS

Unknown said...

What a fantastic word for the year!