After writing my WORD post for 2014- I decided I’d better take a few days to gather some thoughts and think about the direction I’d like to go both in my home and on my blog for 2014.
*December Moon Rise 2013
I’ve thought about the things I have going on here in our home the best way to break it down.
There is of course our HOME—inside, outside, operations and maintenance
There is THE OFFICE; the part of HOME work with I absolutely don’t like and that is the CLERICAL SIDE of Home making. PAPER WORK! Blech! A lot of this falls under FINANCIAL…but there are other papers that need attending to as well. So I’m just going to call this catagory OFFICE.
There is the Blog and Etsy—both of these are tied together; yet somehow separate.
And lastly,
There is my Personal Life—relationships with family, hubby and The LORD. Boy! do I need to work on this area. :/
I think we can agree that the whole point of assessing these things and setting some goals – is to see the areas that need improvement and work from there. Not as a challenge to others, not to show-boat, or boast,even (because there is no boasting EXCEPT in the LORD). That is why I like to write it down. If I’m going to challenge myself and set goals I need them written down; so I can be reminded of what it is that I’m aiming for, so I can think clearly.
This is just a rough draft for me, really. I’ve painted with a pretty broad brush what my goals are— I guess as the year goes on; I’ll have a better sense of what needs to be done here.
These are my goals for 2014:
HOME: (outside)
You can pretty much count on me tweaking this list from time to time, as I …OFFSET or COMPARE THE VALUE of one thing WITH ANOTHER…you know, BALANCE IT ALL OUT! :)
Til next time, Be Blessed!

So teach us to number our days. That we may present to thee a heart of Wisdom. ~ Psalm 90:12
I’ve thought about the things I have going on here in our home the best way to break it down.
There is of course our HOME—inside, outside, operations and maintenance
There is THE OFFICE; the part of HOME work with I absolutely don’t like and that is the CLERICAL SIDE of Home making. PAPER WORK! Blech! A lot of this falls under FINANCIAL…but there are other papers that need attending to as well. So I’m just going to call this catagory OFFICE.
There is the Blog and Etsy—both of these are tied together; yet somehow separate.
And lastly,
There is my Personal Life—relationships with family, hubby and The LORD. Boy! do I need to work on this area. :/
I think we can agree that the whole point of assessing these things and setting some goals – is to see the areas that need improvement and work from there. Not as a challenge to others, not to show-boat, or boast,even (because there is no boasting EXCEPT in the LORD). That is why I like to write it down. If I’m going to challenge myself and set goals I need them written down; so I can be reminded of what it is that I’m aiming for, so I can think clearly.
This is just a rough draft for me, really. I’ve painted with a pretty broad brush what my goals are— I guess as the year goes on; I’ll have a better sense of what needs to be done here.
These are my goals for 2014:
HOME: (outside)
- Finish outside painting, exterior, porches, etc. * in progress
- Plant and Harvest Gardens in a timely manner and eat what we grow! (would love to put more back and learn to pressure can) * in progress *DONE! garden yielded a slew of green beans! Still eating them
- Eliminate outside accumulation of toys and unnecessary yard furniture—create an INTENTIONAL place to relax in the yard.
- Build or Acquire a new tool shed--- this is very much a necessity! *DONE! (read here)
- Eliminate Clutter- Room by Room! Working up a plan for this hoping to share it at a later date.
- Organize the middle bedroom to be Craft –Etsy- Office space. ( I think this has been on my list for a couple of years…so I KEEP ON TRYING until it’s done!)
- Finish inside painting of the rooms that need it: Guest Bedroom, Utility Room, Middle Bedroom and Finish Kitchen *DONE! (here)
- Create a standing PANTRY IN THE KITCHEN-- * eliminated the need with Creative-Organization and RE-arranging! Read about that here.
Clear off KITCHEN COUNTERS of appliances and Go with less is more approach there!* CHECK* in an effort to prep for painting I've done some eliminating and clearing! You can read about that here.- Re-arrange furniture in my home to optimize rooms and space (right now my furniture placement is pretty haphazard!) –create Intentional place to relax indoors, too! *check-- I believe I did this when we started planning the move- we eliminated some pieces and rearranged...NOT BLOGGED.
- Sort through papers *FAIL
- Eliminate and shred old papers *FAIL
- Create a better filing system *FAIL
Combine Effort for blogging and Etsy- Increase traffic to both *DONE! (To Be Blogged)
Increase sales in the Etsy… research, study, and focusHave more HANDCRAFTED items in the shop-- (essential to carve out time for crafting!)* strike DUE TO impending MOVE!
- Set aside time for healthy eating and exercise. *T2 Diabetes diagnosis
- Set aside special times for my husband. *check
- Spend more time reading the Word of God and memorizing it.*rebinding an old worn out bible (read here)
- Spend more time in prayer--*check
- Spend more MEANINGFUL time with my family--- As with any family; my family has hurts and needs right now.*check GOD will use whatever means necessary to bring about Prayer, Bible Reading and Scripture Memorization into the forefront of your life... letting your focus be HIM! *CHECK ON ALL THESE!!!
You can pretty much count on me tweaking this list from time to time, as I …OFFSET or COMPARE THE VALUE of one thing WITH ANOTHER…you know, BALANCE IT ALL OUT! :)
Til next time, Be Blessed!

So teach us to number our days. That we may present to thee a heart of Wisdom. ~ Psalm 90:12
Wow- You have a lot of goals in place already, Pat. I think I need to get busy and make some, too! Good luck on getting things accomplished!!!! xo Diana
Pat, I would say many of my goals match your precisely... I sometimes get overwhelmed thinking about what I want to do.... I need to make a list.. I always do much better with list of which I can mark things off.. gives me a sense of accomplishment... Praying the New Year has you seeing many or all your goals complete... especially those of seeking the Lord... I want those too. Blessings!
Good luck with everything! And I love that photo!
Love helps me to write my goals down too. Your goals are very similar to mine. I hope you share your progress!
A daunting list, Pat. I would love to see how you decide to break it down into bite-sized pieces. Are you planning to assign a schedule, times to accomplish certain tasks? Or will you have a month for this and a month for that? One thought I had is that you might sell the clutter to collect the money for a toolshed :) Many blessings on your plans, especially those that bring you closer to loved ones and The One who invented love.
I like your list of goals very much. I have been doing basically the same things here. Still working on purging unnecessary things from our home. One of my main goals is to simplify everything and have a wonderful, peaceful place for relaxation. Good luck on reaching your goals!
I love how you categorized your goals. Thank you for the inspiration. Sounds like you have a great plan!
Great job deciding on your goals Patricia! This is the second post today that I've read about goals.... and y'all have me thinking. I really need to set some goals for myself. Last year it was to keep my kitchen clean, it is my craft room, office, and oh so much more. I struggle every day trying to keep up with that one. Where DOES it all come from?
My to do list is about the best I can do for now. :)
I wish you the best on staying on track with yours.
That is quite a list. My current goal is to have goals for the year. As you can see I am a bit behind. Hopefully your goals will be an inspiration to me.
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