I took these two pictures on Friday evening—I was out driving—I thought it was interesting to see the Sun so big in the sky as I was making my way back toward the house from town.
The I looked back the other direction—The Moon was rising too.
It’s interesting to see and to think about. Each day and all that it holds is a gift.
Depending on where you are standing or looking in this case—can have a different effect on your outlook. It was a nice start to a peaceful weekend. We didn’t do much. I caught up on house work that I’m not able to get done during the week when the LITTLES are here.
I did some straightening—moved some furniture around and I’m working on piles of papers that need shredding. What do you do with your shredded paper? As long as it’s not shiny—I compost mine. Our son in law does the mowing now—and I’ve got piles of dried grass to add to the compost now too—I was going to rake some and add it this weekend—but its something I can do with the kids so I’ll probably get that done tomorrow. We still have a little time left for mowing season—I will probably do what we did last year and make some hay bales for bedding in the chicken coop. That’s something I can do with the Littles too. They love to help with things like that.
That’s how I divide my chores; I did this with my own children and it works on my grandchildren, as well. Depending on how hard or easy the job—if the Littles can help, then I do it while they’re here. If it’s more involved work—I’ll wait and do it on the weekend (its less stressful that way). I try to think how young is too young—to do this job. More often than not—they want to help. I look for opportunities to teach them. As their Oma—and day time care giver, I have lots of those little moments. A small window of time.
I never could understand Mom’s who said they couldn’t get anything done; or that they’re children CAN’T DO some little chore. A couple of things I learned as a young mother--
- Give age appropriate tasks—this will give them a feeling of accomplishment and a sense of Pride.
- Don’t Expect Perfection—let their work grow with them. As they get older they will get better at doing the task. Certainly, don’t under mine their efforts by coming behind them to “do it right”.
- Rewards don’t have to be Monetary—a big smile and hug from you on a job well done means a lot to a child. I think rewarding with a toy or money—is fine for a big job, don’t get me wrong; but picking up after themselves is important for them to learn. The reward for putting their own things where they belong – is being able to find it when they want it.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old. he will not depart from it.
I used to think those things didn’t really matter. But they do. Here I am Just Mid-way through my life—and I’m seeing the importance of training. I see areas where I’ve done well in training my kids when they were young and areas now that I’ve had a part in training my Littles. I also see areas where I’ve failed miserably. Like I said earlier. It just depends on your perspective. Where you’re standing. Where do you have your eyes fixed? Sun Down...or Moon Up?
Til next time, Be Blessed!

If you'd like to read:
Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
~ Psalm 139:23-24
I think you are right, the grown girls now clean their own houses so they may wash up right away.
Ha ha, yes I think girls (after obtaining their own family) tend to be the care taker of the kitchen (and home).
I compost sensitive documents too! I agree with you 110 percent on the advice to young families. Love your sun down, moon rise photos. ~Blessings to you !
Love the sun down, moon up photos, Pat!
Enjoyed your pictures ... and reading your advice and suggestions. Good that you get to play a part in training your grandkids.
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures
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