One of my dear readers and friends here at Corn recently bought a Pumpkin banner and she advertised for me on her blog ...The Boston Lady ...she's got all her FALL decor looking pretty snazzy considering she just packed up all her stuff and moved from FLORIDA TO CALIFORNIA!!!

I've been researching and looking for ways to promote my Etsy shop-- 9th and Denver I've only had a little bit of sales in just over the month that I've opened it up-- but that's ok! I'm just starting out. I expected that. I'd love to sell everything in my shop truthfully-- because there is plenty of stuff to add into it-- yes, it takes some time. But I'm loving it so far!!!

Angie at Knick of Time Interiors
Has kicked off some Free Advertising on her blog and what a wonderful TOOL for promoting your business. For me it couldn't have come at a better time~ I guess you can say I came across her deal in the KNICK OF TIME!
Here is my button at Knick of Time Interiors-
~just type that in when you shop at my etsy shop 9th and Denver and you get an automatic 15% off your order! Please be sure and visit Knick of Time and The Boston Lady too- and tell them thanks for passing along such great deals to you!

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for HE is good; His loving kindness is everlasting. ~Psalm 107:1

I started an Etsy shop this June so I understand about slow sales. My items are not exactly jumping off the shelves either! I guess it does take time like you said, but I'm anxious to sell-- especially since I have a ton of more things to list! Good luck to you! Will look at Kick of Time-- thanks!!
And I love my banner as did many of my readers! Hmmmm. I think it's really hard to get it going. The fact that you are posting often really helps and that you feature your wares is a plus too. I know there is a lot of competition out there. I really like those pretty scrubbies that you have and perhaps you could highlight them again and offer soap along with the purchase. Or scarves. They seem popular and if you had a unique, fashionable design perhaps they would catch people's attention. Hats? The kids love to wear those big beret types. I know my daughter does and they certainly look like they are crocheted. She gets them at Old Navy, H & M. Just some ideas - what do I know? What about that tatting you do? Like I said, I know nothing, but that is certainly unique and I'm not sure exactly what your parameters are for it, but can you edge pillow cases with it? or fine crocheting? I'm in the same boat. I've got some good ideas, just have to put them into practice and figure out how to showcase them. Fleas, booths, whatever. And of course, I actually have to make some of the things I'm imagining. I am always happy to put you up on my blog again. Christmas is coming!!!! Ann
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