I wasn't going to do it.I wasn't going to tell this story of my over zealous comments made while blog hopping...but I found it too weird not to post about it. This strange and bizarre story had to be told....
There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.
—Rod Serling
All week long-- I have clicked here and yon in this vast CYBER-SPACE the
Visiting some of my favorite places where I find respite from my day....peeking into your homes and lives (what you've allowed) and seeing beautiful pictures of loveliness gracing your blogs!With every click throughout my trek...I've landed in places that have eerily had a theme...as though it were planned---but knowing full well, this MUST BE RANDOMNESS at best!
It all started with a usual visit...nothing out of the ordinary... but MESMERIZING all the same...
This beauty belongs to
The chair and pillow? A rouse to draw me into this weird and crazy dimension... with a comment she made about Avocado Green and Harvest Gold
Like a Champion I defended the Green and Gold...
Little did I know this was only the beginning of my bizarre journey with These Colors on the Spectrum Wheel; as I clicked away.... thinking nothing of it UNTIL...
I landed here
In the coziest of cottages with REDS and Turquoise dreamily tucked into every scene;

I should have seen it coming...but I.DID. NOT.
The topic reared it horned green head again... there was strong opinion against the WASH OF GREEN AND GOLD that WAS THE 70'S. The reader base is strong here... I FELT outnumbered.
I was undeterred... I chimed into the conversation with GUSTO. Reminiscing of days gone by in my own childhood and the GREEN that GRACED our home!
All the while thinking...and even stating
Claudia your’s is the second post in two days that said you didn’t care for the Avocado Green or Harvest Gold…
Silly me... I didn't see it... I didn't notice the FIFTH DIMENSION and the turn I'd taken on this most bizarre trek...
Crazier even more... It began to come AFTER me...and this Green and Gold THING...SHOWED UP IN MY EMAIL... !!!!
I love this make over in your dining room Elaine.
The yellow is happy. I love it. Your table and hutch look lovely. I don't suppose you could take the doors off your hutch...to open it up?
The yellow is happy. I love it. Your table and hutch look lovely. I don't suppose you could take the doors off your hutch...to open it up?
SHE SAYS: It was my MILs from back in the 70s. Used to have gold and green accents. Can you imagine that?
BUT...I rallied... and came to it's defense...
Ha ha !!! chuckle and SNORT!!!! Yes... I can imagine that.
I think I've been targeted for a gold and green decorating gag statements of the week!
....you're the third person this week to mention those colors from that era, and seemingly not care for that color scheme!
Am I on candid camera? This is hilarious!
The dreaded 70's Avocado Green ....it seems many women my age have a dislike for that color~ not just Avocado Green; but Harvest Gold too!
...hoping never to see Avocado Green and Harvest Gold come back into favor...
At last...I come here...

Trish at The Old Post Road
FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME.... she shares the most beautiful photos of homes with Green and Gold
....As I stare into the dreamy pools of green and gold on her blog...that are merely just renderings of her own dreams...I begin to wonder...is she playing with my mind? Is this some sort of conspiracy....?
Just as I was beginning to think I really had gone loopy....
I leave the computer... LIFE has called me back...to things more important ...like lunch for my 3 year old Grand-daughter...
We're having MAC AND CHEESE with sausage and Okra and Tomatoes on the side...
as I'm pouring us something to drink...
I hear the sounds of a child's voice in a sing song cheering fashion....
green and yellow ...my FAV'rite colors...
GREEN. and YELLOW....my FAV'rite colors....
and... YELLOW.... MAC AND CHEESE... I love OTTRA!
She's standing in the chair...singing the praises of Green and Yellow....
....FROM THE OUTER LIMITS....WHERE THE TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION...(and you just can't make this stuff up...)

Sunny Simple Life Party
The grace of the LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. ~Philippians 4:23

I just painted over a wall of Avocado Green but left the Gold! Creepy!
That is hilarous!! I have a kitchen done in beiges, etc. which I am getting ready to completely redo. I am painting my cabinets and already have new appliances. When I went to the paint store to pick out paint colors I came home with a white for the cabinets, a red for my island and a beautiful yellow color for my walls above the beadboard. Guess what - it is the exact color of my Harvest Gold formica and sink that I thought I was getting rid of!!! Now, I am having second thoughts. ha.
So this really hit home with me. Nothing wrong with Harvest Gold!!
Oh yes, by the way, in my kitchen I have an old wall mounted rotary dial phone in guess what color - yep, Harvest Gold. It may stay also!!
Funny post.
I have already done avocado green and harvest gold...Everything from refrigerators to fondue pots (Which I got 6 of for wedding gifts) nope, can't do those colors again! I guess everything comes around again!
I totally GET why some don't like it... but I after struggling so long with do I like COLOR? OR SHABBY CHIC --WHITE ON GREY?.... I've come to realize... I like color!!!
but I have had so much fun with my zealous comments everywhere...reading how NO ONE wants these colors again...it is funny.
....thank y'all for your sweet, funny and sincere comments...
LOL - I loved this post! I grew up with 70's green and gold as well. Our bathroom was entirely avocado green, green toilet and sink, right down to the small white and green subway tiles. It was considered SO cool - everyone loved our bathroom. Our front room walls were striped with green and we had a yellow lemon tree painted onto the foyer wall. Yeah, my mom and dad were all about the green and gold. Stopped by from Sunny Simple!
I saw an avocado green stove sitting by the road yesterday. Do you want directions to where it is located???
Susan and Bentley
hahaha patricia! you crack me up! I suppose I'm okay with some aspects of the green and gold...just not appliances. funny? I guess it's not so much the color, but the style of the old appliances. I'm happy to be out of the 70's.
Pat - Just got back from the beach and looked at your blog - so funny! I am afraid the 70's were so long ago that they are "cool" again. Scary thought, isn't it? Where does the time go? My kids are into neon colors on clothing - which is so 80's - please tell me that mauve and country blue are not cool colors! aaarrrrghh!!!!!!
Have a great day.
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