I don't think I've posted up here in a while...

or here:
after this weeks trip to Bargain Land; and seeing how I've added to my vintage pot holders I thought I'd post about them and show them to you.
These 3 red and white ones I've had for quite a few years. I bought them together as "a lot"
My favorite one is the little 'britches' in the middle.
I have them hanging above my kitchen window...and of course, while photographing them I noticed it is time to take them down and wash them.
Below are some I bought this week. Except for the green and white one and the pink and blue dress in the middle...I've had those for a while too. I just haven't had them hanging out very noticeably.
I got the 2 pink and whites and the bonnet this week.
I love the little bonnet! It has delicate flowers on it.
I love buying up any hand crocheted doilies I see when I'm out shopping. I guess you can say I collect them. The leaf patterned doily in the lower left I bought for $.50 cents and the bonnet and 2 pink ones I got for $.50 each too. I've had the larger pink and white doily for a while...it has a bad spot in it. I just found some old pink thread a few weeks ago in my stash that I think will match this doily and I think I can mend it. It should look fine when I'm finished with it. :)
I think when I take the red ones down to wash-- I'm going to display all of them together somehow. Don't you think they'd be pretty all in a row or something?
Once when I was out shopping at a yard sale...the lady asked me if I was looking for anything imparticular? I said, 'yes, do you have any doilies?"
She showed me to one that was made in China, which I declined. She asked 'why?"...and I said," I look for the ones that are left behind by our Grandmother's ;and that were made with loving hands not machine...
Then she said, "I didn't think people used doilies anymore or even make them. She asked me "Why I wanted them; and What do you do with them? " I told her, "I guess I just save them...for someone else who might want them down the line." ...and smiled.
I don't think she gets it.

Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time for the days are evil. ~Ephesians 5:15-16~

I think it's important to save pieces of the past, too. I like your collection. Those are lovely, and yes, I think you should display them all together somewhere.
I had/have a whole collection of "bloomers" potholders. Used to have them in a row under a line of cabinets; tried to sell them off in a couple different garage sales and no one bought a single one! Was surprised. I still use handmade doilies around my house. I think they really add to any decor!
How pretty! What a fun thing to collect and I do think they would look nice displayed all together somehow!
I make and use doilies and give them as gifts. I hope everyone I gift them to is using them. I know they aren't using the dishcloths I make because they all say they are too pretty to use so they just display them. :) What about hanging them so they frame a doorway. I think that would like nice. Best wishes, Tammy
I love rescuing forgotten doilies too and love vintage pot holders. I've seen them displayed on a wall in a grouping and they were adorable. Visiting from Claudia's.
No, she probably doesn't get it. But I do! I gather hand crocheted things when I'm out and about. Doilies remind me of my grandmother, who crocheted them for her armchairs. I have a few of them. I also love those potholders. I have a few...and will probably gather even more!
Thanks so much for joining in this week, my friend1
What a sweet collection! :)
Just because I have been thinking of this...is there a way to connect each one to another...just with a couple of whip stitches...and then put twine or ribbon on each end....it would be kinda like a banner!!
What a cute idea! I love vintage crocheted potholders too. I love to collect them.
Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Such a terrific crocheted potholder collection. Vintage, colorful. Nicely displayed on your curtains.
What a fun collection! And I don't blame you for being particular about which ones you collect.
Have a great day.
I love the old doilies too Pat land you have some lovely ones. I saw a post where a woman had stiched a lot of different ones into a table runner. It was so pretty. Ann
No, sadly she doesn't get it! I rescue these forgotten treasures too and enjoy using them. Love the display over your window. Yes, display your collection, we would love to see how you do it!
Your collection is lovely! I go for hand made doilies & crochet trim. My daughter has a friend that collects old doilies to make table runners that would be a nice way to display them. I have a nice roll of tatting my Granny made over 50 years ago! She would sit for hours...that's to be appreciated! Other than trimming dresses for my granddaughters and pillow cases I could use a fresh idea for its use also.
We get it,
Your doilies are beautiful! Yep handmade with loving hands is what "its" about! I find some nice doilies and trim at estate sales. Like my Granny who would sit for hours and make tatting. I have a nice length of it that she made over 40 yrs ago! My youngest daughter works with ladies who have taught her to crochet...this is the daughter that didn't appreciate the doilies at one time! Ha! I think she's getting it.
June :)
Some people just dont get the whole vintage collection thing anyway. Too bad. Im currently collecting vintage hankies to give out at my wedding. I bought 20 this past weekend at a garage sale and 2 antique stores. Im so excited!
I love your doilies and potholders! I have some that are like your red and white ones, that belonged to my grandmother. I do think it's important to be a caretaker of the past, as you are. When I find a pretty doilie, I sometimes use it to drape over the top of a lemonade pitcher in the summer, to keep the flys out! It might be pretty if you chose a piece of ribbon and strung the doilies and potholders across your windows like a valance.
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