I thought I'd show you a couple of the projects in the month that have been on my HOOK!
I made these cotton shower-scrubbies quite some time ago actually. Took some quick photos and shipped them out West to TBL
I have really given these scrubbies some thought, redesigned them (originally I wasn't using my own pattern) and have modified the pattern and changed up the material. I had been using 100% cotton--and am switching to an acrylic cotton blend.
This is one of the new ones... still not sure if I'll stick with this pattern and thread...this one was shipped to Cindy in Canada!
I have one more to make and send on its way too...
Thanks to these ladies (and TBL's family) for the feed back. It has been greatly appreciated.
I have one more to make and send on it's way...
The other thing I've been up to... rag crocheting... I had been talking with Cindy @ Oakview Cottage and she and I were discussing how to increase to make something round and keep it from rippling on the edge...and quite honestly, I just do it. I've never thought about HOW it's done. So I sent her a couple of links...but I'll just tell you. When I'm crocheting for instance this seat cushion ---
Once I get the center started (CENTER: ch 4 join w/ slip stitch, to make a loop ) I put 8 SC stitches in the loop,sl st, to finish round. Next round (calling it the 1st) I Ch 2, put 2 stitches in each SC, finish round with sl st in the top of Ch 2.
2nd Rnd: Ch 2, 1 SC in 1st SC, 2 SC in next SC, 1 SC in next--alternating in that round, finish with a sl st in the top of Ch 2
3rd Rnd: Ch 2, 1 SC in next 2 SC, 2 SC in next, 1 SC in next 2...all the way around(alternating), finish with a sl st in top of Ch 2
You do this until it is the size you want.
so on the
4th Rnd: you would alternate 1 SC in next 3 SC , 2 in next SC,
5th Rnd: 1 SC in next 4 SC, 2 in next ... and so forth, like that?
This is my Grandmother's :Simple Little Rocker: ,
I showed a while back.
I made this cushion for it recently, since I've brought the chair out and I actually sit in it when I'm on the porch crocheting.
I like to ROCK!
What can I say?
Then after making that, I just kept on cutting fabric, trying to use up some of the old scraps and t-shirts; I started the rug for the bathroom.
I like it because it has greens, blues, whites, beige and a little bit of rose colors in it. It will go nicely with the colors in our tiny bathroom!
This is a mixed medium rug... really, it is old pillow-slips, old t-shirts and the beige Khaki color is an old pair of Capris that have seen better days!
My scrap pile was getting out of hand, I've begun to whittle it down by cutting it all up and crocheting with it.
You may remember, last year, when I made this
Crocheted Diaper Bag made with bed sheets
...and the tutorial I gave you here for making
one long continuous strand for crocheting
I'm linking this post up with Elaine @ Sunny Simple Life ...she has just joined in with several other ladies hosting a FROM THE FARM BLOG HOP - party showing all that they are doing in and around their homes and homesteads!

I just wanted to say...Thank you to all of you who emailed me to ask about me and make sure 'all was well' here at Corn!
You certainly made my heart swell!
I've not blogged much in the past couple of weeks, but you've been on my mind too! :)

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. ~ Psalm 103:1

I am impressed with your projects! Love the idea of 'scrubbies' and the crocheted rug is just wonderful.
Great projects! Nice to "see" you back too!
I like the cushion and rug. Someday I'll sit down and try to figure this out, what a great way to use up that material from old clothes in too bad of shape to donate.
Lovely cushion and rug!! Impressive! :)
Pat, this is a good reminder to me, grateful user of your scrubbies, to work up a post about them. They are indeed a good addition to our shower stall. I'm really liking your rug in progress too. How long does it take you to make a rug? Ann
Hi Pat, the scrubbies and the crocheted fabric strips are so sweet. I just love them both. The rag rugs and seat cushion remind me a dear woman who was called Bessie. She made me one of these when I was a teen and I used that thing til it fell completely apart. Glad you are making good use of your scraps!
Love the idea behind rag rugs and your crocheting, too. Happy Mother's Day, Pat.
You inspired me to complete a toothbrush rug I started. The rug will be used as a bathmat and is being constructed from two old knit dresses.
I LOVE those scrubbies!! How on earth did you make them?
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