Right before Honey’s heart attack—as if that wasn’t enough~~ my (8 yr old, NO LONGER UNDER WARRANTY) front load washer went Ca-poot !!!
*edited to say: Thanks to all of you who had suggestions about the washer. Truly appreciated. But when I said Ca-poot!!! -- what I really meant is that it is broken and just needs some repairs, I hope. I don't think we're having to buy another washer. Just waiting for the timing and of course the CA$$H to have it repaired. So THANKS AGAIN!
It was on the schedule to be repaired on that following Monday; but seeing how we were going to be in the hospital for an indefinite amount of time. I called and canceled. Now the funds are low—so we’re not washing clothes at home.
Right now- I’m exchanging babysitting for washing laundry at the youngest daughters house. She has two boys, remember Weston and Easton… it is well worth the exchange. She lets me dry at her house too--- though I usually like bring them home to hang out.
Speaking of Baby sitting that is Another thing we’ve begun doing again—We’re back to babysitting the Lil’ Aubree on a weekly basis.
She lives right next door- she is a bright part of our day…AND! She is finally on board with potty training! YAY!
These are her LIL’ Delicates . She helped me hang them out after we did a little hand washing today.
“See my clothes?” she kept saying. She cracks me up!
I’m posting this here at Homestead Revival for Show Off Your Laundry Line!
God Bless you and Thanks a bunch for Reading!
She sure looks adorable. Kids say the darndest things!
Thanks for letting me know about the clothesline party. That was perfect timing for me. I hopped right over.
I didn't know about your DH heart troubles. I hope he's on the road to recovery and things will soon be looking up for you.
I'll definitely say a prayer for him.
Take care
oh, our little Aubrey Doodles just went home...every Thursday my daughter takes her to GG's house, her great grandma (Moma) for Tuna Fish Thursday. Something my daughter started over a year ago. Moma looks forward to it all week long! Cute clothes line...don't the babies just tickle you. Everything they say is just too cute! Glad your routine is coming back, even if some of it is just chores! I guess going through all this gives you a new appreciation even for the small everyday things. Hate to hear about the washer. Seems like our parents appliances lasted almost a life time.
Hey, Pat! I didn't know about your washer. E-mail me what you want for a washer. If I see something on Craig's List of somewhere else, I will e-mail you. An extra set of eyes looking out is better than one set. : )
If it's not one thing it's another isn't it? Be sure to let the people at your church know that you're in need of a washing machine. Also as Lowry said, watch craigslist to see what's available.
I'm sure Aubree helps take care of Grandpa. The picture of her looking at her clothes on the line is precious.
Thanks so much for your advice about the front porch...tin cans, genius! Then if I'm frugal there I won't have to feel bad about buying plants to put in them! (Especially if the plants don't make it too long due to my lack of green thumb!) Thanks again, I'm definitely going to go that route if I get around to it....I'll link back to your blog!
Wow, i haven't been doing much blogging for a long time and it looks like lots of things are happening in your life!! Little ones can add joy and sparkle to your day AND they can also wear you out! ha! Hope your hubby is doing well!
how fun for aubree to see her clothes on the line. I haven't hung clothes out at ALL this year. :(
I should, but I just can't take the heat.
have a great weekend pat!
What a wonderful mix, little innocent person with precious thoughts and words, and a simple but beautiful thing like a clothes line all in one...gee, can it get any better? Hardly!
Pat, I'm sorry to hear about your hubby's heart attack. I somehow missed knowing that. Best wishes for his recovery and somehow you have made hanging laundry look beautiful and sound like an adventure. Ann
How sweet! Thanks for the visit. I have been so busy the last couple of months with my daughter's wedding that I haven't had the time to visit anyone or even post anything on my blog. Now that she is married, things should be getting back to normal.....I hope!
Have a wonderful day,
Pat, thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comment about our applesauce jar lights!
I'm sorry to hear about your husband's heart attack. I hope he's on the mend now! Having that little girl around ought to be good medicine for recovery! :)
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