It looks like our FALL GARDEN may carry on over into Winter. Here is just a sampling of what we are still getting from our raised beds.

These are radishes we picked this week. We still have some in the ground and are picking as needed.

Green onions—I’m really happy with these. Some were harvested and eaten when they were still small.
(small inexperienced hands helped in the picking) I probably could have stuck those small ones back into the soil to let them get bigger. But hey~ live and learn.

Our first real overnight freeze took out the ‘LONE’ tomato plant that held over from the summer drought months. It was loaded with tomatoes. After doing some reading- the best advice was to set them out and let them ripen on their own. After a couple of weeks we finally did something with the red ones. We yielded about 8 1/2 cups of chopped red tomatoes; we still have green tomatoes today that are turning. They are still SO tasty! It’s wonderful to have fresh homegrown tomatoes in Mid-December.

Eight cups of tomatoes made about 4 1/2 pints of salsa! Of course we used the fresh onion and some other ingredients from our freezer to make this and the Ball Blue Book recipe (with minor adjustments because of lack of tomatoes) …but it taste pretty good for my first time to can salsa. The Husband likes it …and that’s all that matters!

‘til next time.
God Bless you and Thanks for reading~
I love eating fresh radishes!! You're so lucky to have a winter garden....that's something I need to learn..."gardening"....I have room in our yard to have one, just never're inspiring me....get myself going....thank you...Mel's Designs...Merry Christmas....
All looks yummy Pat! You are right, there is nothing more delish than a home grown tomato! Your salsa looks wonderful, and you are right, if HE likes it, then that's all that matters. Ann
Winter Garden?!? Oh, you lucky girl! Nothing more beautiful than all that glory from your own back yard. The only thing we can harvest in the winter is snow balls!
It all looks so good. I miss my garden right now. We got a little bit of snow last Saturday here.
How wonderful you are still eating from your garden in December! We have some things growing in the cold frame right now and I can't wait to eat fresh homegrown produce again! That's amazing your tomatoes did so well.
I have not made salsa in awhile now, do you have a recipe :D
Jacob gardens every year.He has pics on his blog :)
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