I wanted to show a little bit of preparation I’m making for my soon to be craft room.

Even this time of year when all the stores are having sales for organization “helps”; pretty boxes, file drawers, buckets, baskets and what have you, we all know it can get pretty pricey.
We also all know how much I can procrastinate and put off doing something,too. I do NOT need help slowing things down—by having to wait on cash flow to get organized.
So on Tuesday, this week when I was at the Dollar General in town—I picked up a few throw away boxes.
You can do this too. Here are some tips:
Don’t be bashful.
See an empty box, pick it up and ask the clerk, “ Is it ok if I take this empty box?”
It’s a simple question. You can either come home with free storage containers…or you can simply hand them over to the clerk and say “Well, thank you anyway.”
What they do with them at that point is up to them.
Most likely—they will say something like “Sure, you can have them! That’s one less box I have to break down and recycle. Less work for me!”
You’re welcome.
So I got my boxes home and I painted these yesterday after noon—the urge hit and so I went with it.
I used 2 colors of paint
a relish jar
and a piece of wooden dowel. It’s not perfect…that is what makes it such a simple project. I just used a random pattern on each box.
Today I had to CUT the bottom left hand box to fit; it was a little tall for the space. Otherwise a perfect width!
When you’re getting boxes for free don’t worry if they’ll fit—seriously, they’re free! Even if you have to line them on an open shelf, or against the wall under a table… Once you paint them and start organizing with your pretty boxes; It won’t matter if they fit perfectly.
I have one more of these boxes and it doesn’t fit this shelf. So, I am going to use it for paper and ephemera—and it will be perfect because it is pretty tall. Wherever I use it, whether here on this shelf or someplace else in the room—it will still be cute!
I have some other boxes for organizing—I bought at the local grocer that went out of business on January 4th. These boxes were about .70¢ each. Not the bottom one with the glue gun… I had that one
I bought what they had, 8 in all, which were red and pink. I think the red will compliment my pale blue boxes I just painted. I didn’t spend anything extra on fancy labels either. I just used good ol’ duct tape. I like the labels on the front. I also like the fact they’re clear and I can see what is in them.
I am using the old entertainment center from the living room for shelving in what will be the craft room. I think it needs another shelf added to it, a fresh coat of paint, and of course some reorganizing. I have all of my USPS flat rate boxes stacked here right now; along with folded fabric for future projects, and a couple of seat belt pillows that are slated for some grandkids I didn’t get to see.
**Just now, typing that (and seeing it in pictures), I realize---I should probably pop those pillows in a box and mail them! Typing it; is like saying it out loud--- so now y’all don’t have to remind me how painfully obvious that was! :)
Anyway—I’m still working on this room. I have lots of ideas in my head and I’ve PINNED on this board ::cRaFty PLaCeS:: …plenty of ways to get organized in this room. I just know once I get it pulled together I’ll be much more creative and productive, right? My favorite part of this process?? The Free boxes!
Well, I had fun painting them too.
I love seeing all the easy and inexpensive ways so many of you have organized your craft rooms—using jars, muffin tins, crates etc.
What is your favorite CRAFT ROOM ORGANIZING TIP?
Do you have a whole room? Part of a room, a closet maybe? I hope you’ll leave a comment and share any ideas you might have!
To see other ways people are using what they to get by click on over here:

Til next time, Be Blessed!

I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live; but Christ who lives inside of me. The life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved me and delivered himself up for me.
~Galatians 2:20
Even this time of year when all the stores are having sales for organization “helps”; pretty boxes, file drawers, buckets, baskets and what have you, we all know it can get pretty pricey.
We also all know how much I can procrastinate and put off doing something,too. I do NOT need help slowing things down—by having to wait on cash flow to get organized.
So on Tuesday, this week when I was at the Dollar General in town—I picked up a few throw away boxes.
You can do this too. Here are some tips:
Don’t be bashful.
See an empty box, pick it up and ask the clerk, “ Is it ok if I take this empty box?”
It’s a simple question. You can either come home with free storage containers…or you can simply hand them over to the clerk and say “Well, thank you anyway.”
What they do with them at that point is up to them.
Most likely—they will say something like “Sure, you can have them! That’s one less box I have to break down and recycle. Less work for me!”
You’re welcome.
So I got my boxes home and I painted these yesterday after noon—the urge hit and so I went with it.
I used 2 colors of paint
a relish jar
and a piece of wooden dowel. It’s not perfect…that is what makes it such a simple project. I just used a random pattern on each box.
Today I had to CUT the bottom left hand box to fit; it was a little tall for the space. Otherwise a perfect width!
When you’re getting boxes for free don’t worry if they’ll fit—seriously, they’re free! Even if you have to line them on an open shelf, or against the wall under a table… Once you paint them and start organizing with your pretty boxes; It won’t matter if they fit perfectly.
I have one more of these boxes and it doesn’t fit this shelf. So, I am going to use it for paper and ephemera—and it will be perfect because it is pretty tall. Wherever I use it, whether here on this shelf or someplace else in the room—it will still be cute!
I have some other boxes for organizing—I bought at the local grocer that went out of business on January 4th. These boxes were about .70¢ each. Not the bottom one with the glue gun… I had that one
I bought what they had, 8 in all, which were red and pink. I think the red will compliment my pale blue boxes I just painted. I didn’t spend anything extra on fancy labels either. I just used good ol’ duct tape. I like the labels on the front. I also like the fact they’re clear and I can see what is in them.
- corn sack: great for achy muscles when you've been bending and stooping—cleaning out and organizing cupboards and crafts rooms!
- corn sack box: for keeping those pesky field mice from getting their grubby little teeth into my corn sack!
I am using the old entertainment center from the living room for shelving in what will be the craft room. I think it needs another shelf added to it, a fresh coat of paint, and of course some reorganizing. I have all of my USPS flat rate boxes stacked here right now; along with folded fabric for future projects, and a couple of seat belt pillows that are slated for some grandkids I didn’t get to see.
**Just now, typing that (and seeing it in pictures), I realize---I should probably pop those pillows in a box and mail them! Typing it; is like saying it out loud--- so now y’all don’t have to remind me how painfully obvious that was! :)
Anyway—I’m still working on this room. I have lots of ideas in my head and I’ve PINNED on this board ::cRaFty PLaCeS:: …plenty of ways to get organized in this room. I just know once I get it pulled together I’ll be much more creative and productive, right? My favorite part of this process?? The Free boxes!
Well, I had fun painting them too.
I love seeing all the easy and inexpensive ways so many of you have organized your craft rooms—using jars, muffin tins, crates etc.
What is your favorite CRAFT ROOM ORGANIZING TIP?
Do you have a whole room? Part of a room, a closet maybe? I hope you’ll leave a comment and share any ideas you might have!
To see other ways people are using what they to get by click on over here:
Til next time, Be Blessed!

I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live; but Christ who lives inside of me. The life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved me and delivered himself up for me.
~Galatians 2:20
How clever. I could use some for my magazines that keep forever. Love all my old country samplers. How cute your dots and circles are. Been cold for you guys??
Like your paint job! I should probably be taking storage tips instead of giving any. I do have markers, pens, and pencils in old stoneware coffee mugs. Got them at various thrift stores for a quarter apiece-- or less.
Good job ... I love to recycle boxes. I don't have a craft room, but could use some of your organizing skills in my workshop.
Thanks for inspiring.
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures
Pat, This is so great! I love how your sense of humor and your sense of purpose, combined with your creativity and your frugality, are making your dreams a reality.
This is genius! I have never even thought to ask for the boxes, but you are right. I used to work in a grocery store and we compacted and recycled all the boxes unless someone asked for them, in which case they were welcome to have them! I am going to keep my eyes peeled from now on!
That is a wonderful idea! I love saving containers from previous purchased items, to reuse them for art supplies - or Legos! Thanks for the tip! I honestly didn't think of painting them :)
What great ideas. Will have to implement some of them in my home as well. Thanks for sharing.
Lookin' good! Your boxes turned out nice!
great job on the free storage Patricia! ohhh how I wish I had the "organizing" gene. :(
I look forward to seeing what else you have to offer.
Love what you did with the boxes. I have to know more about the corn sack. I'm corn sack ignorant. I have no organization tips. Are you kidding?
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