Saturday, March 12, 2016

Kernels of Corn: Has it Come to this?


** An occasional post?  I make no excuse—I’ve not been blogging.

This is what is happening here.

Immersion (deep mental involvement)  

HIGHER ED:  … simply, School. I feel like I work really hard to learn. The young folks that attend class along side of me, don’t realize their potential or advantage.  (sigh)


Same as you, WASH, DRY, FOLD… clean, swish, sweep and mop… that never changes.  One thing that has changed—I write it down! I’m having to keep track of it just because I want to know that it’s getting done and how often.  Writing it all down for me—actually frees up space on my hard-drive! Leaving room for more important things!  … Like doodling!


I’ve embraced Bullet(style)Journaling.  I say that because there is an actual Bullet Journal you can purchase out there; but I’m using a cheap bound journal from the dollar store and it works just fine for me.  I’m sure the paper quality is different along with other features, but with a little time and creativity mine works pretty well. 


I’m making a great effort here, I’m not getting the intentional exercise that I was getting before the new year—but I’m being active. I park further out—and make myself walk a further distance.  Anytime I’m on campus, I take the stairs… Oh, and when I’m studying for really long stretches of time, I make myself get up during the hour for at least 10 minutes and walk around.  Keeping the blood flowing!

As for the dietary aspect of my health… I’m struggling with hidden sugar right now. I’ve eliminated the ADDED SUGARS and do well there—I don’t put it in my coffee or my tea. Sugar is added to Kombucha but most of it is eaten up by the time I get around to drinking it.  The hidden sugars and cravings are the hardest. I’m combatting that by drinking water daily.  First thing in the morning, last thing at night and lots of glasses in between.  I think most of us  walk around partly dehydrated and wonder why we’re feeling NOT-SO-GREAT?!  WATER~ WATER AND MORE WATER!

I’ve upped-my-game on veggies.  We were given a crate of broccoli—and if you remember Forrest Gump and all the ways Bubba said you could eat shrimp—just apply that to a crate of broccoli.

 steamed broccoli cheddar and hard boiled eggs

* steamed broccoli, cheddar and hardboiled egg… a personal favorite!

What I didn’t freeze and put up right away went into

  • SOUP;  A FAIL by the way.  (if you have a good broccoli soup recipe, maybe you can send the link or email me)  Apparently broccoli soup is an acquired taste or its a science/art?  I. don’t. know.  The chickens enjoyed ours!
  • Stir-fry;  made this will with carrots, cauliflower, Oh yes! we were given a bunch of cauliflower too.
  • Salad; broccoli salad—tons of recipes.
  • Steamed: a personal favorite right now.  I love steaming a bowl and adding real cheese (not processed…*see hidden sugars above) and a little bit of black pepper… Yummy.  It makes an excellent lunch.
  • Chilled/Crispy Snack…  JUST EAT IT WHEN I WANT A MUNCHIE.


Besides the obvious being Spiritual health… I’m going at this from a STRESS POINT OF VIEW.

Here is what helps make this better.  Meditate on a scripture for the week.  My memory was shot for a while before I found out I was diabetic.  I was so worried I wasn’t retaining information and having recall of scriptures like I had for years. It was stressing me out!  I’m making it a key part of my day to go through scripture cards I wrote years ago… like flash cards.  Just like I’m studying for school I’m making every effort to study God’s word.  I like being able to recall it when I need it.

I’ve also incorporated it into my the Bullet-style-journal while I practice Calligraphy!  I took it up on a whim one day… and I’m enjoying learning it as a creative part of my day!


Immersion (deep mental involvement)

If you’ve read this far, thank you.  Hope Spring is happening where you are and that Be Happy is on your list of things to do today.

‘Til next time, blessing to ya!


Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.–~Psalm 46:10


A Daughter of the King said...

Though the Kernels are sparsely planted of late and the writer is busy working on her craft and her vessel, the harvest of Corn is as high as an elephant's eye.

Blessings to you, Patricia. You are an inspiration in my life!!!!!!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Good to read a post from you. Busy life but good.

Susan said...

Just good to hear from you no matter how often! Love you, friend!

Unknown said...

I used to have the best broccoli soup recipe! I wasn't careful with it, I thought it would be easy to replicate. Ugh, no it isn't! So many are disgusting. Sounds like you are busy, occasional posts are fine at this season of life! It's just nice to hear from you when you do have time!

Debbie said...

Good for you! You're giving it all you've got and that says something! God bless.