The week after Thanksgiving I showed you the table and chairs on my front porch that I made over on a whim...that week OF THANKSGIVING! 
It was such an easy project and really went pretty quickly.
I am going to show you the GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY!!!
Not necessarily in that order.
Just a reminder-- this is how the 3 chairs looked after a couple of years of weathering outside near the shed. (What can I say? need a place to sit when you're working by the shed, looks are of no consequence)
So...back when I did my 3 chairs to a Bench project this summer.
I took the seats off these chairs because the LITTLES that come to my house everyday...have done quite a number on them...they were gross!
Pictures don't lie.
I was in a hurry... our guest count went up by 12 people at a moments notice!!!
Fortunately, I had a more than willing helper. Yes! this project was so easy a 3 year old could do it; and was very eager to do so!
Let those dry over night!
(remember. this. table. Nothing is safe when there is Ooops! Paint in the HOUSE!)
I let that dry about 24 hours...because I'm sure it had soaked into the padding; and I wanted it to be good and dry.
~~~However, where the dirt was ground, embedded, ONE WITH THE FABRIC...the paint was darker. Some of that darkness is my shadow...
I found a stencil in my stash...covered the parts I didn't want to use with duck tape. I was going for a rope L@@K...but ended up with more a "check-plate" or tire track L@@K...
The original chairs had a piece of wood going across the backs...only 1 chair had it left and I couldn't and didn't have the resources or the time to figure that one out... so I took it off
...and was left with this.
This came to mind... it is insulation for pipes. I got this pack at LOWES...
You can find them here-
affiliate link:
I can't tell you the measurement...because I just eye-balled it...PRECISION IS THE LEAST OF MY PRIORITIES... I painted dirty upholstery FOLKS!
I had a bag of fabric that had been stripped for a fact this was a rug, and it fell apart in my hands one day when I was hanging it on the line... I let it hang there to dry and then picked it apart (only the thread holding it came undone; the rest was still strong and perfectly stripped pieces)
Perfect for a shabby little project like this!
Remember the table from up top?
... I'll wait, while you see what it looked like before.
I painted it soon as the seats were painted...and yes! the 3 year old helped. What can I say? The child loves to paint! This was the perfect project for her to help with; and WE enjoyed it!
The table? I did that... I used a SHARPIE MARKER! Why not? the lines were already there.
For the exception of the DUCK pipe wraps...and the Ooops! paint... I didn't have to buy anything. In fact... I had all these things on hand already! The wraps were left overs, I never took back for a refund, and the Ooops! just something I have to buy when I go to LOWE'S. (I can't help myself, Ooops! is my favorite color) :) the shiny finish was all but gone completely on the table. No prepping. The seats WERE 'A GONNER'...
So what is a girl to do?
The paint was interior semi-gloss. The label says- cleans up with water. Resists smudges, dirt and finger prints. THEY ARE NOT LYING. The kids got cupcake and pecan pie on the seats and the table...and it cleaned right off. I'm thinking I should paint all my upholstery. It would be way easier!
The Year End Christmas Sale is still going on in my shop-- hop over and check it out.
use coupon code: YEAREND12
at check out.
Then He said to them,
"Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet and send portions to them that have nothing prepared; for the is a holy day unto the LORD.
Do not be grieved; for the Joy of the LORD is your strength. ~Nehemiah 8:10
I have never painted fabric with
normal wall paint and the way you
did the chair seats makes so much
sense.. I'm wanting to make new
slipcovers in the living room and
what the heck,, get some paint!
What a wonderful transformation..
Very neat idea. I don't have any chairs like that, but your idea could spark a thrift store purchase in the future. Thanks for sharing.
Love the table and chairs. That OOPS color is so pretty, I'd have grabbed it in a minute. That's a great idea to use the pipe insulation to pad that metal bar across the top of the chair. I have a table with two chairs on the porch and hate to set in the chairs because of the metal backs.
What a creative makeover! Love it and it looks great!
What great results on everything! That pipe insulation is kinda neat. We used it to edge our coffee table when our daughter was a tot-- nice and cushy.
How creative! Great way to update the table and chairs!
I love it. Great makeover and no money spent=even better. The table and chairs look great!
Your outdoor table and chair set looks marvellous, dear girl! You and your helper did a good job. I'm anticipating the arrival of my clothes pins any day now!
Hugs, Cindy
You got it done and those were such great ideas. Love the way you think. Hope you had a great time!
Just found your blog...Love your table creative. I am going to follow along with you.. Please stop by and visit and follow along with me.. Blessings!
Oh Pat, I think this turned out so well. You were so creative with the chairs, and I bet that table never looked this good before. My favorite color too! The OOPS! paint I find at Lowe's is always colors I don't care for, but I keep looking! Ann
you're so frugal! I have always wanted to paint upholstery, but have yet to do so. :)
I have a table similar to yours, only mine is rectangular. You did a super job Patricia getting ready for the extra bottoms at a moment's notice!
way to go!
Now that is a clever redo! It turned out great. You really did a great job.
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