I mentioned the other day I was thinking about embellishing a round mirror that is hanging in my bedroom…
I also showed you plenty of inspiration photos because I was just having a hard time deciding.
I went with the crocheted frame!
It was dreary outside all day today (Saturday) and there was never any good lighting for pictures…

I took this one while I was fitting the frame before I added the decorative trim. It is very simple—but I wanted a bit more.
I like this crocheted frame done in White… at some point in the future, I think I may try another color. Who knows?
I also like this shelf. I can’t remember when I hung it up there. I like it here under the mirror,now. The jar has some vintage hankies in it; I used to collect them and have used a lot of them in projects over the years. I think these are all I have left now.
I started making this frame on Thursday night…I didn’t have a pattern so I had to just “wing it”. I worked on it a little bit Friday—but had the Littles all day. Not a lot of time to sit and crochet while they’re here, so I did most of it today (Saturday). A short and easy project for sure.
I first saw a similar crocheted frame on Pinterest you can see my crochet board called ::HOOKIN’::
I've looked and haven’t seen a pattern anywhere, maybe if you are on Ravelry or something like it…you might know of a pattern. I’m going to try and write MY pattern out—and maybe I’ll post it. :)

Shout joyfully to the LORD all the earth. Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with Joyful singing. “
~ Psalm 100: 1-2
Now THERE is an idea I have not seen before. LOVE it, Pat! xo Diana
WOW! You are one super talented lady! I love it, it gave it a whole new look. Good for you!!!
Oh Wow, this IS lovely, what a great idea. I think yours came out perfect, Looking forward to the pattern, winging it you go girl ... you did just fine...:)
It looks great! And perfect for your wall display. Very good idea!
Well you did it!!!! Great job and it looks fantastic! Blessings!
Very nice! I really like that. You did a lovely job!
You did a lovely job Pat! I admire your talent! You did a great job!
Wow, I'm impressed! I don't have the patience to crochet...I usually get off and have to pull several rows out because I was in denial. LOL. It's very pretty! :)
That really makes your mirror look nice on the wall. I've seen some framing patterns with some yarn company sites I watch. They are fun, aren't they?
Wonderfully creative and inspiring! It makes me think of a snowflake sun :) Love it!
Wow...that is awesome!
I'm so impressed! You did a fabulous job Patricia! and that you could write it out as a pattern is amazing!
great job!
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