You might remember I painted my dining side of my kitchen last December—I get the urge to paint around the holidays, I guess. You can read the full post here.
You’ll be able to notice that when I painted this wall in December—I painted right over to the door and stopped just over the door, heading out to the living room; you’ll also notice, I keep things pretty much the same. Periodically, editing out things. But for the most part—I keep things in their same places, especially once I find the best spot for it.
Otherwise- I might lose my mind trying to keep up with them!
We had this weekend to ourselves. What?!?! I know. I was a bit surprised too. Except for a little bit of time in the pool, there were no grandkids here. The boys live next door—so romping in the pool is to be expected.
As for babysitting—all my kids were off work and no one required a babysitter.
After 8 long months—I painted the rest of this wall in my kitchen!
Then my youngest son called—and I slammed everything back where it belongs and got ready to hang out with him and his girlfriend a while. We swam, ate tacos, and watched some videos. It was a nice visit. He doesn’t have any children…so we hardly see him. Ha! I kid. He works all the time--
Before they got here- I snapped a few pictures as it was going to get dark in the kitchen.
It’s time to edit some things out – I cleaned off the bulletin board and cleared out the phonebook and address caddy hanging next to it. Everything else will have to wait for another day. I’ve made a mental note of things that need to go—it will come.
Painting the kitchen is not finished. I still need to paint the wall going out the back. The upper cabinets really need to be painted—lowers, just need touching up a bit. I will buy WHITE gloss trim paint for the cabinets before continuing on painting them. In the past, I have always loved having yellow in my kitchen. Now, I really like this ‘Latte’ color. I have about 4 gallons left of a 5 gallon bucket. I hope to spread it around some other areas in the house to give it a more cohesive look. Another reason for painting a lighter color; this room only has ONE small window over the sink; it does seem a bit dark. That’s one reason I added the little lamp last winter too. My cute little wall sconce that I got next to nothing at the thrift store. I love that thing!
One thing I’m so glad that got done today?
I’ll tell you; it was that embossed wall paper. (seen in the above 2 pictures) It needed about 1 inch cut off it for almost 3 years! My oldest son was home today and he has a much steadier hand than I do; he trimmed it for me before I painted. Oh! and I moved the little crate over to the right about 2-3 inches. (did you spot the imposter?) It’s barely noticeable but it made a difference for my counter space and that upper cupboard door opening. :)
Do you have some projects you’re working on this summer,while it’s hot outside? Maybe your schedule has slowed down some—like mine did this weekend and you have time for it now? I used to think you had to rush to get it all done. But, I’ve learned—if it requires work, it will almost always be there when you get to it. :)
Tweak It Tuesday #100
Tweak It Tuesday #100

Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanks giving let your request be made unto to God; And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension will guard your heart and minds in Christ Jesus. ~~ Philippians 4:6-7
Glad you are making progress on your projects. Ours come to a halt during the summer as there is always grass to cut, gardens, outdoor projects, etc.
Feels so good to get the little details done...and to lighten things up, too! I had a similar color to your kitchen before in my living room, and thought it would be light...but it was actually dark in my room, too. Paint makes a difference!
What a difference paint can make !!!
And I love that box on the wall with the canisters in it !
Nice job! I'm painting too-- my living room, dining room, hall... Making progress but will take time as we have lots of wood work. Will blog about it someday.
It's looking wonderful! :) Love the decor details / so many nice touches everywhere :)
You've gotten a lot done in such a short time.
It really looks good!
Wow, I love your kitchen. As for an inside project, I haven't had time to think about one this summer. With two trips to SC, we've been very busy.
Your kitchen looks great! I love the paint you chose xx
Oh Pat, I just love following along with your decorating adventures!
In past years I have set aside July for major indoor projects. This year, not so much. I've been a little on the lazy side.
Your kitchen is looking great, no matter how long it takes. :)
I like your kitchen and I am pouring over it and taking notes. Just yesterday I told my husband that I wanted to repaint our kitchen in the fall. It's yellow now, and guess what? The color you painted yours is about the color I had in mind.
I see "my" saltine tin up on a shelf. LOL. And I was just eyeing a flour canister like yours at an estate sale.
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